Bart Stupak Won't Support Abortion Funding, Will Target Dems?

November 2, 2009

FYI a version of this release was sent to the following districts: Dan Boren (OK-02); Travis Childers (MS-01); Jerry Costello (IL-12); Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-03); Lincoln Davis (TN-04); Steve Driehaus (OH-01); Brad Ellsworth (IN-08); Tim Holden (PA-17); Paul Kanjorksi (PA-11); Marcy Kaptur (OH-09); Mike McIntyre (NC-07); James Oberstar (MN-08); Solomon Ortiz (TX-23) and Heath Shuler (NC-11).

Bart Stupak Won’t Support Abortion Funding, Will Travis Childers?

Pro-Life Democrat is Leading Opposition to Speaker Pelosi’s Abortion Loopholes in Healthcare Bill, but will Childers Follow?


Washington– After months of intra-party warfare and heated healthcare town halls, Speaker Pelosi is finally taking the plunge on her disastrous healthcare takeover this week. But, in her attempts to whip the Democrat vote she will be forced to reckon with pro-life Democrats who say they adamantly oppose a provision in the bill that would mandate public funding for abortions.  Pro-life Michigan Democrat Bart Stupak has been the most vocal against another Pelosi attempt at misusing taxpayer dollars, promising to block the bill if the amendment is not removed, and offering his own to prevent the atrocity. After joining Stupak on a letter to House leadership demanding that their healthcare proposal prohibit the use of federal funds for abortions, will Democrat Travis Childers follow through or will he turn his back on Mississippi families in order to deliver a victory for his party’s dangerous healthcare agenda?


“But the biggest amendment fight may still be over abortion. Abortion-rights opponents, including dozens of House Democrats, believe that the bill as drafted breaks the longstanding ban on taxpayer money funding abortions.


“Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) wants to offer an amendment that prevents individuals who receive affordability credits from using those credits to purchase a plan that covers abortion. Abortion-rights supporters said people shouldn’t be prevented from buying insurance from private companies that cover abortion.


“Stupak says he has 40 Democratic votes to block the bill from coming to the floor, a process called “taking down the rule.” It would take 39 Democrats, voting with all Republicans, to block the bill.” (Jared Allen and Mike Soraghan “Pelosi preps for healthcare plunge,” The Hill, 11/02/2009)


“It’s time for Travis Childers to come clean with Mississippi families on whether he will support taxpayer-funded abortion as part of Nancy Pelosi’s reckless healthcare agenda,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Pelosi will look to Travis Childers for support as she attempts to gather Democrat votes for her trillion dollar healthcare takeover, but a vote for this bill is a vote for taxpayer-funded abortions. Support for Pelosi’s healthcare boondoggle would be a sure sign that Childers’ supposed pro-life values are nothing more than a sham that he will quickly toss aside when his party leaders come calling for an important vote.”


With Pelosi pushing for votes, Mississippi families can only hope Travis Childers doesn’t brush his supposed pro-life values aside to please his radical party bosses.
