Will Target Dems Urge Webb, Warner to Oppose Democrats' Healthcare Spending Spree?

December 15, 2009

FYI, a version of the release below went out to the following districts: Rick Boucher (VA-09); Glenn Nye (VA-02) and Mike Ross (AR-04).

Will Boucher Urge Webb, Warner to Oppose Democrats’ Healthcare Spending Spree?

Boucher Should Fight for Virginians by Urging Senate Colleagues to Take Stand against Higher Taxes, Fewer Jobs


Washington- With Democrat leadership struggling to piece together a deal to advance their flagging healthcare agenda through the Senate, Rep. Rick Boucher has been handed a golden opportunity to stand up for Virginia families by urging Senators Jim Webb and Mark Warner to vote against their party’s latest attempt to kill jobs, slash Medicare, and raise taxes in the name of healthcare ‘reform.’ Boucher was one of 39 Democrats to oppose Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s government healthcare takeover in the House, but with Senate leaders now pushing to strike a deal, it’s time for Boucher to once again stand up for Virginia families – that is, if he actually does oppose his party’s reckless healthcare agenda.


“[Illinois Senator Dick] Durbin said that he empathized with liberals’ frustration over the compromises, but said they were part of political reality for Senate leaders.


“‘I am one of those progressives and I support the public option, but I can count. In the Senate, you need 60. And if you don’t have 60, you’re empty-handed,’ the Illinois Democrat explained. ‘And in this case, you need to find a way to get to 60 votes. And that means accommodating and making concessions on a lot of issues we’d rather not make concessions on.’” (Michael O’Brien: “Durbin, Democrats Will Have the Votes to Pass Healthcare Reform by Next Week,” The Hill, 12/15/09)


“If Rick Boucher actually wants to fight for Virginia families, he should be fighting tooth and nail against his party’s reckless healthcare agenda by urging Senators Webb and Warner to oppose the latest big-government, anti-jobs deal to come out of the Senate,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “If Boucher continues to sit on his hands while Democrats in Washington cook up their latest healthcare expirement, Virginians will know that his opposition to Nancy Pelosi’s government healthcare takeover was nothing more than a political ruse.”


Will Boucher stand up for Virginians and urge Senators Webb and Warner to oppose government-run healthcare or will he leave Virginians out to dry?
