NRCC To Candidates: Run On Health Care

March 8, 2010

The NRCC is advising candidates to slam incumbents on health care in hopes they can impact legislation before Congress, according to a memo distributed today.


“Over the next several weeks Republican candidates have a rare opportunity to affect the outcome of legislation that is currently in front of Congress. Make no mistake about it: The last front in the health care fight is in the House of Representatives,” NRCC deputy executive director Johnny DeStefano writes in the memo.


And though the Senate version of the bill House Dems are being asked to vote for would cost far less than the measure the House passed in Nov., GOPers will paint any flip-flop as a vote for some of the Senate bill’s most controversial items, including sweeteners aimed at winning over Sens. Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Mary Landrieu (D-LA).


“In addition to the broad political toxicity of the Democrats’ health care agenda, a vote for this bill opens an entirely new line of attack on House Democrats,” DeStefano writes. “By supporting this bill, your opponent would go on record in support of the Cornhusker Kickback, the Louisiana Purchase, and every other backroom deal cut to sneak the legislation through the Senate.”


The NRCC is urging candidates to hold town hall meetings, ask their supporters to write letters to incumbents and to focus virtually non-stop on health care, through earned media and social networking. The GOP even offers ways to turn a vote against health care into a political liability.


“Candidates running against Democrats who previously voted ‘NO’ can keep them in that column by reminding voters that your opponent could be preparing to make the Democrats’ health care agenda the prevailing law of the land. These Democrats might think that they have a free ride since they are not under direct fire for a previous ‘YES’ vote, but they must be held accountable for their possible support of this bill and their party’s broader push for unpopular health care legislation,” wrote DeStefano, who is also House Min. Leader John Boehner’s political director. “And regardless of their earlier vote, these Democrats should not be let off the hook for supporting Speaker Pelosi as their party leader and enabling their party to enact a radical big-government agenda.”


Dems argue the attacks won’t work, and that the short-term wins for the GOP will eventually morph into long-term victory for their party.


“”The DCCC and our 4 million grassroots supporters will continue fighting back against the shameless fear mongering and outrageous lies being told by House Republicans, their flawed candidates, and right wing extremist groups on behalf of health insurance companies,” said Ryan Rudominer, a DCCC spokesperson.


But Pelosi, House Maj. Leader Steny Hoyer and the WH are still canvassing for Dem votes. Despite pledges that the legislation will be finished by Easter recess, it remains an albatross for incumbents seeking another term.
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