Visclosky Records Subpoenaed by Grand Jury

May 29, 2009

A federal grand jury has subpoenaed records from Rep. Peter J. Visclosky ‘s congressional and campaign offices, along with several employees, in an ongoing probe of now-defunct lobbying firm that specialized in defense-related earmarks, Visclosky, D-Ind., said Friday.

The firm, the PMA Group, once a powerful lobbying shop, sought earmarks from Visclosky and contributed to his campaign, though Visclosky has said he would return at least some contributions related to the firm.

“It is my intention to fully cooperate with the investigation consistent with my constitutional obligations to Congress and my duties and responsibilities to my constituents,” Visclosky said in a statement.

Read more: (Kathleen Hunter, “Grand Jury Subpoenas Records from Indiana Democrat,” CQ Today, 5/29/09)