Visclosky Subpoenaed in PMA Probe

May 29, 2009

A federal grand jury has issued subpoenas to Rep. Peter Visclosky (D-Ind.) and members of his staff as part of an ongoing investigation into a controversial, now-defunct lobbying firm, according to the lawmaker’s office.

“Federal law enforcement officials have issued grand jury subpoenas to my congressional office, campaign committees, and certain employees to request documents relating to PMA,” Visclosky said in a statement, referring to the high-powered firm that closed this spring, months after the FBI raided its offices.

Visclosky has been among the largest recipients of donations from PMA lobbyists and their clients, along with Reps. John Murtha (D-Pa.) and Jim Moran (D-Va.). All three men have authored earmarks that benefited PMA clients.

Read more: (Ben Pershing, “Rep. Visclosky Subpoenaed in PMA Probe,” The Washington Post’s Capitol Briefing blog, 5/29/09)