House Dems Tied to Firm Accused In Pay-To-Play Scheme

April 26, 2010

FYI, a version of the release below went out to the following incumbent and challenger districts: Michael Arcuri (NY-24); Tim Bishop (NY-01); John Callahan (PA-15); John Carney (DE-AL); Mark Critz (PA-12): Chaka Fattah (PA-02); Bill Foster (IL-14); John Hall (NY-19); Jim Himes (CT-04); Roy Herron (TN-08); Steve Israel (NY-02); John Larson (CT-01); Nita Lowey (NY-18); Bryan Lentz (PA-07); Carolyn McCarthy (NY-04); Michael McMahon (NY-13); Gregory Meeks (NY-06); Patrick Murphy (PA-08); Scott Murphy (NY-20); Jerold Nadler (NY-20); Bill Owens (NY-23); Doug Pike (PA-06); Charlie Rangel (NY-15); C.A. “Dutch” Rubbersburger (MD-02); John Sarbanes (MD-03);  Loretta Sanchez (CA-47); Tommy Sowers (MO-08); Allyson Schwartz (PA-13); Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01); Paul Tonko (NY-21) and Nydia Velazquez (NY-12).

House Dems Tied to Firm Accused In Pay-To-Play Scheme
Dems Raked in Campaign Cash and Sought Political Advice from Shady Pollster  

Washington- Over the past two years, corruption has increasingly become the norm within the Democrat caucus. The House Ethics Committee and even the FBI have launched investigations into the Democrats’ shady transgressions. Charlie Rangel and disgraced former Rep. Eric Massa are just a couple of the House Democrats who are currently under investigation or being questioned by investigators. Now, a new scandal threatens to throw the caucus into further disarray. Just recently, Global Strategy Group – a pollster with a laundry list of Democrat clients – reached a $2 million settlement with New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo for its role in a $12 million pay-to-play scandal involving the state of New York’s nearly $130 billion pension fund. The question is: What will Democrats do about their corruption problem?

“The sprawling investigation into the state pension fund has reached the office of the current state comptroller, Thomas P. DiNapoli, the attorney general’s office acknowledged on Thursday.


“The acknowledgment came after the office of the attorney general, Andrew M. Cuomo, announced a settlement with Global Strategy Group, a political consulting firm. The firm helped arrange investments by the state’s nearly $130 billion pension fund, including one that came after Global Strategy took part in a meeting between Mr. DiNapoli and a prominent investment executive.” (Danny Hakim, “Cuomo’s State Pension Inquiry Extends to the Current Comptroller’s Office,” The New York Times, 4/15/10)

“The Democrats’ corruption problem is an embarrassment to the constituents they are supposed to represent and has made a mockery of the ethics codes they once pledged to follow,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “After promising to ‘drain the swamp’ and sweep corruption out of Washington, numerous Democrats are now under investigation. The Democrats’ new scandal with Global Strategy Group threatens to throw the Democrat caucus in further disarray. With Election Day quickly approaching, Democrats are sure to feel the consequences of their broken promises in November.”


Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised to ‘drain the swamp’ and sweep corruption out of Washington, but now Pelosi staffers and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer have been questioned by congressional investigators for possibly trying to cover up the Eric Massa scandal.


“‘Drain the swamp” means to turn this Congress into the most honest and open Congress in history. That’s my pledge — that is what I intend to do,’ Pelosi stated in an interview with NBC’s  Brian Williams.” (Brian Williams, “Rep. Pelosi poised to make history”, NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, 11/8/06)


“Congressional investigators have questioned House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and aides to Speaker Nancy Pelosi as part of a probe into whether top Democrats covered up information that ex-Rep. Eric Massa sexually harassed male employees. (Larry Margasak, “Hoyer, Pelosi aides questioned in ethics case,” Associated Press, 4/22/2010)




Democrats, including the former campaigns of President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as well as Democrat campaign committees, have raked in more than $110,000 in campaign cash from Global Strategy:


Global Strategy Group

Obama Administration

President Barack Obama


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton


Democrat Parties

Democratic National Committee


Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee


Democratic Party of Arkansas


Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee


Iowa Democratic Party


Ohio Democratic Party


Democrat House Members and Candidates

Rep. Michael Arcuri (NY-24)


Rep. Marion Berry (AR-01)


Rep. Tim Bishop (NY-01)


Democrat Candidate John Carney (DE-AL)


Rep. Brad Ellsworth (IN-08)


Rep. Bill Foster (IL-14)


Rep. John Garimendi (CA-10)


Rep. Raul Grijalva (AZ-07)


Rep. John Hall (NY-19)


Democrat Candidate Roy Herron (TN-08)


Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04)


Rep. Paul Hodes (NH-02)


Rep. Patrick Kennedy (RI-01)


Rep. John Larson (CT-01)


Democrat Candidate Bryan Lentz (PA-07)


Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (NY-04)


Rep. Greg Meeks (NY-06)


Rep. Patrick Murphy (PA-08)


Rep. Scott Murphy (NY-20)


Rep. Jerrold Nadler (NY-08)


Rep. Bill Owens (NY-23)


Democrat Candidate Doug Pike (PA-06)


Democrat Candidate Jonathan Powers (NY-26)


Democrat Candidate Tommy Sowers (MO-08)


Rep. Nydia Velazquez (NY-12)


(CQ MoneyLine, accessed 4/22/10)


Many Democrats and Democrat campaign committees even sought political advice from Global Strategy:


Global Strategy Group Clients

Democrat Parties

Democratic National Committee (DNC)*
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC)*
Connecticut Democratic Party*
Georgia Democratic Party*
Massachusetts Democratic Party*
New Jersey Democratic Party*
New Jersey Democratic Assembly Campaign Committee*
New York State Democratic Committee*
New York State Democratic Senate Campaign Committee*
Pennsylvania Democratic Party*
Pennsylvania House Democratic Caucus*
Virginia House and Senate Democratic Caucuses*

Democrat House Members and Candidates

Rep. Michael Arcuri (NY-24)^
Rep. Marion Berry (AR-01)^
Rep. Tim Bishop (NY-01)*
Democrat Candidate John Callahan (PA-15)^
Democrat Candidate Mark Critz (PA-12)^
Rep. Chaka Fattah (PA-02)*
Rep. Bob Filner (CA-51)*
Rep. Bill Foster (IL-14)*
Rep. Raul Grijalva (AZ-07)*
Rep. John Hall (NY-19)^
Rep. Steve Israel (NY-02)*
Rep. John Larson (CT-01)*
Rep. Nita Lowey (NY-18)^
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (NY-04)*
Rep. Michael McMahon (NY-13)*
Rep. Patrick Murphy (PA-08)*
Rep. Scott Murphy (NY-20)*
Rep. Bill Owens (NY-23)^
Democrat Candidate Doug Pike (PA-06)^
Rep. Charles Rangel (NY-15)*
Democrat Candidate Dave Roberts (CA-50)^
Rep. Dutch Ruppersburger (MD-02)*
Rep. Linda Sánchez (CA-39)*
Rep. Loretta Sanchez (CA-47)*
Rep. John Sarbanes (MD-03)*
Rep. Allyson Schwartz (PA-13)*
Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01)*
Rep. John Tanner (TN-08)*
Rep. Paul Tonko (NY-21)^
Rep. Nydia Velazquez (NY-12)*
 *(“Work: Political Clients,” Global Strategy Group Web site,, accessed 4/22/10); ^(CQMoneyLine, accessed 4/22/10)

