Visclosky to Hand Off Bills Amid Investigation

June 2, 2009

In an attempt to head off a play of partisan politics, U.S. Rep. Pete Visclosky said Tuesday he wants to cede his control over a 2010 financing bill.

Visclosky, a Merrillville Democrat, said he is seeking to have an Arizona congressman temporarily handle the fiscal year 2010 Energy and Water Appropriations bill during committee and House consideration.

“As a firm believer in the institution of the House of Representatives, I intend to ask Congressman Ed Pastor to temporarily handle the Fiscal Year 2010 Energy and Water Appropriations bill during committee and House consideration,” Visclosky said in a statement. “I have represented the people of Northwest Indiana to the best of my ability and I have always abided by the law and adhered to the rules and code of ethics of the House.”

Read more: (Christine Kraly, “Visclosky to Hand Off Energy and Water Bill Amid Investigation,” The Times of Northwest Indiana, 6/02/09)