PMA-Related Snarls Mount for Visclosky

June 3, 2009

Rep. Pete Visclosky’s political problems are mounting in the wake of subpoenas served as part of a federal criminal probe involving the PMA Group, a once highflying lobbying firm with ties to Visclosky and other senior Democrats.

The Indiana Democrat announced Tuesday that he will turn over authority for the $30 billion energy and water spending bill to another Democrat on his Appropriations subcommittee.

And Visclosky will have to move forward without the help of his longtime chief of staff, Charles Brimmer. Brimmer — who, like Visclosky, was served with a federal subpoena last week — retired quietly in recent days. A Visclosky spokesman confirmed Brimmer’s departure but offered no additional information.

Read more: (John Bresnahan, “PMA-Related Snarls Mount for Visclosky,” Politico, 6/03/09)