EDITORIAL: The Many Ways & Means of Rangel’s Cheating

September 2, 2009

Why is it that Charles Rangel, chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, is still in elected office, never mind not in jail (“Tax Chief Charlie a Tax ‘Cheat,’ Too,” Aug. 27)? If he were any other “regular” American citizen, he would have been in jail long ago and would owe thousands on top of what wasn’t reported or paid.

This just goes to prove that elected officials in Washington and, for that matter, at the state level, have one set of laws, and the rest of us second-class citizens have another. The same goes for the proposed health-care plan. It’s good enough for the American taxpayer, but the politicians will get to keep their nice, taxpayer-funded health and retirement plans.

Read more: (Editorial, “The Many Ways & Means of Rangel’s Cheating,” New York Post, 9/02/09)