Will Target Dems Condemn Pelosi for Wasting $18,736 Per Month on Taxpayer-Funded Office Space?

June 16, 2010

FYI, a version of the release below went out to the following districts: John Adler (NJ-03); Jason Altmire (PA-04); Michael Arcuri (NY-24); John Barrow (GA-12); Sanford Bishop (GA-02); Tim Bishop (NY-01); John Boccieri (OH-16); Leonard Boswell (IA-03); Allen Boyd (FL-02); Rick Boucher (VA-09); Dennis Cardoza (CA-18); Russ Carnahan (MO-03); Chris Carney (PA-10); Ben Chandler (KY-06); Travis Childers (MS-01); Gerry Connolly (VA-11); Jim Costa (CA-20); Joe Courtney (CT-02); Kathy Dahlkemper (PA-03); Lincoln Davis (TN-04); Joe Donnelly (IN-02); Steve Driehaus (OH-01); Chet Edwards (TX-17); Bill Foster (IL-14); Gabby Giffords (AZ-08); Alan Grayson (FL-08); John Hall (NY-19); Debbie Halvorson (IL-11); Martin Heinrich (NM-01); Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (SD-AL); Baron Hill (IN-09); Maurice Hinchey (NY-22); Jim Himes (CT-04); Tim Holden (PA-17); Rush Holt (NJ-12); Steve Israel (NY-02); Steve Kagen (WI-08); Paul Kanjorski (PA-11); Marcy Kaptur (OH-09); Mary Jo Kilroy (OH-15); Ron Kind (WI-03); Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-01); Ron Klein (FL-22); Suzanne Kosmas (FL-24); Frank Kratovil (MD-01); Rick Larsen (WA-02); Dave Loebsack (IA-02); Dan Maffei (NY-25); Betsy Markey (CO-04); Jim Marshall (GA-08); Jim Matheson (UT-02); Michael McMahon (NY-13); Jerry McNerney (CA-11); Walt Minnick (ID-01); Harry Mitchell (AZ-05); Chris Murphy (CT-05); Patrick Murphy (PA-08); Scott Murphy (NY-20); Glenn Nye (VA-02); Bill Owens (NY-23); Ed Perlmutter (CO-07); Tom Perriello (VA-05); Gary Peters (MI-09); Earl Pomeroy (ND-AL); Nick Rahall (WV-03); Ciro Rodriguez (TX-23); Mike Ross (AR-04); John Salazar (CO-03); Loretta Sanchez (CA-47); Mark Schauer (MI-07); Kurt Schrader (OR-05); Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01); Ike Skelton (MO-04); Zack Space (OH-18); John Spratt (SC-05); Betty Sutton (OH-13); Harry Teague (NM-02); Dina Titus (NV-03); Niki Tsongas (MA-05); Tim Walz (MN-01); Charlie Wilson (OH-06); David Wu (OR-01) and John Yarmuth (KY-03).

Will Altmire Condemn Pelosi for Wasting $18,736 Per Month on Taxpayer-Funded Office Space?
While the Democrat Leader Lives Large, Pennsylvania Families Are Struggling to Get By

– While many middle-class families in Pennsylvania are struggling to pay an average monthly mortgage of $1,376, Jason Altmire’s party leader Nancy Pelosi will soon be forcing taxpayers to foot the bill for her lavish office space at a cost of more than $18,000 per month. While Pelosi’s new expenditure is only a drop in the bucket compared to the billions of taxpayer dollars Washington Democrats have wasted, it further highlights their out-of-control spending habits and out-of-touch agenda. As most Americans are cutting back and struggling to make ends meet, Altmire and his Democrat friends have been spending at will. And instead of creating a responsible budget in an effort to reduce the $13 trillion national debt, Washington Democrats continue to run from their most basic duty of governing. Now, Pennsylvania families want to know: Will Altmire continue to be part of the problem or will he condemn Pelosi’s wasteful spending?

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has more than quadrupled the rent on her San Francisco district office, making the $18,736-a-month cost of her new South of Market space the highest in the House, according to a new report.

“Pelosi moved in the fall from the federal building at 450 Golden Gate Ave. to the 18-story federal building at 90 Seventh St. She had been paying about $4,300 a month for her old office, Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill said.”

“In addition to the speaker’s space needs, her new office is also more secure, Hammill added.” (Lilianna Oustinovskaya, “Pelosi’s New Office Is House’s Costliest By Far,” The San Francisco Chronicle, 6/15/2010)

The national debt is at an all-time high of $13 trillion, yet Washington Democrats are attempting to push another $50 billion spending bill through Congress.

“President Obama urged reluctant lawmakers Saturday to quickly approve nearly $50 billion in emergency aid to state and local governments, saying the money is needed to avoid “massive layoffs of teachers, police and firefighters” and to support the still-fragile economic recovery.
(Lori Montgomery, “Obama pleads for $50 billion in state, local aid,” Washington Post, 6/13/2010)

“Nancy Pelosi’s exorbitant taxpayer-funded office space is a slap in the face to the middle-class Pennsylvania families who are struggling to make ends meet,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “As most Americans are cutting back on expenses, Jason Altmire and his Washington friends continue to spend at will. And instead of creating a responsible budget that economists say is needed to create jobs and grow the economy, Altmire and his friends continue to run from their most basic duty. While Washington Democrats continue demonstrate their inability to govern, Pennsylvania families want to know: What will Altmire do about it?”