Mo Brooks Advances to ‘On the Radar’

June 7, 2010

Mo Brooks Advances to ‘On the Radar’
Alabama Candidate Takes Important First Step Towards ‘Young Gun’ Status

Washington– The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has officially announced Madison County Commissioner Mo Brooks as an ‘On the Radar’ candidate, an important first step in its Young Guns program. Founded in the 2007-2008 election cycle by Reps. Eric Cantor (R-VA), Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Paul Ryan (R-WI), the Young Guns program is a member-driven organization dedicated to electing open-seat and challenger candidates nationwide. After winning the GOP primary in Alabama’s Fifth Congressional Distrct, Brooks will face liberal lobbyist Steve Raby in the general election.

The Young Guns program is designed to assist Republican candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives in accomplishing goals and benchmarks throughout the election cycle focused on the fundamentals of a winning campaign. By reaching ‘On the Radar’ status, Brooks has proven his ability to build a successful campaign structure and achieve important fundraising goals.

“The NRCC is committed to working with Mo Brooks as he continues to meet the rigorous goals of the Young Guns program,” said NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions. “Mo’s record proves he’s an accomplished leader who will fight to create jobs and rein in government spending. I am confident that Republicans will be successful in our effort to keep this seat in the Republican column in November.”

Mo Brooks has a long record of serving Alabama families through his work as a State Representative, Madison County District Attorney and Madison County Commissioner. While serving in the Alabama House, Brooks was elected Republican House Caucus Chairman three times and was highlighted by Alabama Magazine as one of the most effective legislators. Brooks was also recognized by the Alabama Taxpayers’ Defense Fund for his work fighting taxes and the Alabama Alliance of Businesses and Industry for his pro-jobs record.

Having achieved certain benchmarks to place him on the road to victory, Brooks now faces a new set of rigorous goals that will help him advance to the next level of the Young Guns program and help him build a competitive, effective and winning campaign.

For more information, click here.
