Rangel Pleading for “Fairness” from Ethics Committee

September 4, 2009

With the string of bad headlines and tough revelations coming out about Charlie Rangel’s taxes and income, the chairman of the Ways and Means Committee is pleading for “fairness” while the Ethics Committee probes his case.

Says spokesman Emile Milne:

Fairness dictates that, before Congressman Rangel can speak publicly on issues before the Ethics Committee, the Committee must be given the opportunity to deliberate and issue its own findings on the matter.

There’s been no accusation against Congressman Rangel in any court or by a vote of Congress. Statutes of limitations notwithstanding, Congressman Rangel has opened his records for examination by the Ethics Committee and hired a forensic accountant to examine his financial disclosure statements.

Read more: (Michael McAuliff, “Rangel Pleas for ‘Fairness’,” New York Daily News’ “Mouth of the Potomac” blog, 9/04/09)