Rangel Urged to Step Down in Letter from Boehner

September 4, 2009

House Republican leader Rep. John Boehner has just sent a “Dear Charlie” letter to Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Charles Rangel, asking Rangel to step down until the Ethics Committee finishes its investigation of Rangel’s nonpayment of taxes and non-disclosure of hundreds of thousands of dollars on his legally-required financial disclosure forms. Here is the full letter:

Dear Charlie: When it comes to the relationship between the American people and those they elect to serve them, trust is everything. This is especially true at a difficult time such as this for our nation, when Americans are looking to their government for leadership and solutions, and finding both in short supply. For this reason, I am writing to again respectfully urge that you step aside as chairman of the Committee on Ways & Means until the Ethics Committee has completed a bipartisan investigation of questions relating to your official conduct.

As I have noted often in the past year, I have long considered you a friend, and I still do. But friends are not infallible; they make mistakes. And when mistakes are made, particularly in the course of public service, accountability is necessary. Friendship does not trump our obligations to the offices we hold, or to the constituents we serve.

Read more: (Byron York, “Boehner’s ‘Dear Charlie’ letter to Rangel: Step Down,” The Washington Examiner, 9/04/09)