AP: Election trouble brewing for House Dems in 2010

September 14, 2009

From The Associated Press: “Despite sweeping Democratic successes in the past two national elections, continuing job losses and President Barack Obama’s slipping support could lead to double-digit losses for the party in next year’s congressional races and may even threaten their House control. Fifty-four new Democrats were swept into the House in 2006 and 2008, helping the party claim a decisive majority as voters soured on a Republican president and embraced Obama’s message of hope and change. Many of the new Democrats are in districts carried by Republican John McCain in last year’s presidential contest; others are in traditional swing districts that have proved tough for either party to hold. From New Hampshire to Nevada, House Democrats also will be forced to defend votes on Obama’s $757 billion economic recovery package and on energy legislation viewed by many as a job killer in an already weak economy. Add to that the absence of Obama from the top of the ticket, which could reduce turnout among blacks, liberals and young people, and the likelihood of a highly motivated GOP base confused by the president’s proposed health care plan and angry at what they consider reckless spending and high debt. …”
Read the Full Story Here.