Rangel Chairmanship Saved by Democrats

October 7, 2009

House Republicans have failed for a third time to oust Rep. Charles Rangel as chairman of the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee.

Despite the expected defeat Wednesday, the GOP did keep the spotlight on the New York Democrat’s ethical problems, although the matter will be turned over to the House ethics committee for a long-term investigation. The House voted 246-153 to refer the resolution to remove him to that panel in a partisan vote that had no meaning except to revisit Rangel’s problems.

The Harlem congressman is faced with allegations of financial improprieties, including failure to pay taxes on investment income and neglecting to report assets and income on his congressional financial disclosure forms.

Read more: (Larry Margasak, “Democrats Defeat GOP Attempt to Remove Rangel,” Associated Press, 10/07/09)