Obama Visits the Epicenter of His And Titus’ Failed Economic Policies

July 9, 2010

Obama Visits the Epicenter of His And Titus’ Failed Economic Policies
President Visits Nevada Where Unemployment Tops the Nation’s Charts and Joblessness Reigns Supreme

Washington– Obama is in Las Vegas today and will no doubt try to explain why his and Democrat Dina Titus’ economic policies have failed to bring recovery to Nevada. Since Titus took office two years ago, Nevada has become the poster child of the Democrats’ failed trillion-dollar stimulus as unemployment tops the nation’s charts at an astronomical 14 percent. After rubber-stamping billions in wasteful spending and supporting her party’s job-killing agenda 97 percent of the time, jobless middle-class families will look to blame Titus for their struggles in November. And as Obama attempts to broach the topic with Nevada families, how will he and Titus defend their disastrous job-killing records?

“President Barack Obama will speak about the economy Friday morning at UNLV, the final event of an overnight trip to Las Vegas, the White House said Tuesday.” (Steve Tetreault, “Obama to speak at UNLV on Friday,” Las Vegas Review Journal, 7/06/2010)

“By repeatedly rubber-stamping her party’s job-killing agenda 97 percent of the time, loyal lapdog Dina Titus has forced Nevada’s economy to take a turn for the worse,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “As Nevada’s unemployment continues to top the charts at 14 percent, Titus and her out-of-touch party leaders have a lot of explaining to do to middle-class families left scrambling to find jobs. After failing to bring Nevada out of a jobless recovery, it appears Titus will be out of a job in November.”

And despite the President’s sidekick Vice President Joe Biden’s recent promises of a “summer of recovery,” local papers and Las Vegas families are simply saying their “economic policies stink:”

“Then, on Friday morning, the president will give an economic speech at UNLV. Let me be the first to welcome you (again) to Las Vegas. And may I also add, Mr. President, that your economic policies S-T-I-N-K. Las Vegas is ground zero for mortgage foreclosures. Nevada’s unemployment rate is at 14 percent, and nationally the mortgage crisis has taken a dip to the downside.

“Your promise that this would be ‘the summer of recovery,’ well … it’s anything but. Your formula for economic turnaround — double-down deficit spending and increased taxes — is simply not working. You ran on the theme of hope and change. Change it back. Please.” (Sherman Frederick, “Welcome to Las Vegas, Mr. President — your economic policies stink,” The Las Vegas Review-Journal, 7/06/2010)

Nevada’s unemployment rate isn’t the only thing indicative of the Democrats’ failures – recent polling serves as proof positive that middle-class families are fed up with their job-killing agenda:

“Two new polls this morning augur ill for President Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats who control Congress. The worst — from Gallup — finds that for the first time since Obama took the oath, his support among independents, a key voter segment in his decisive 2008 coalition election win, has fallen below 40%.”

“Also out this morning, a new Harris Poll of 2,227 adults finds widespread dissatisfaction and disenchantment with leading Democrats in Washington. Only 26% have a favorable view of Vice President Joe Biden’s job performance…Only one-in-five approve of the job done by California’s own Speaker Nancy Pelosi, while nearly half (49%) give her negative reviews.” (Andrew Malcolm, “Crucial independent voters abandoning Obama, now under 40%, lowest ever,” Los Angeles Times, 7/07/2010)
