Rangel Under Broader Ethics Investigation

October 9, 2009

The House expanded its yearlong ethics probe into Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel on Thursday, the latest blow to the embattled New York Democrat.

The House Ethics Committee said it would broaden its inquiry to determine if Mr. Rangel filed inaccurate forms with Congress disclosing his personal assets. This summer, Mr. Rangel updated his personal-financial-disclosure forms for the past few years, revealing more than $500,000 in assets he hadn’t before made public.

Emile Milne, a spokesman for Mr. Rangel, called the announcement a “technicality,” saying that “as a practical matter, today’s announcement is nothing new.” He said the ethics panel was already conducting a wide-ranging review of Mr. Rangel.

Read more: (Brody Mullins, “Ethics Panel Widens Rangel Investigation,” The Wall Street Journal, 10/09/09)