Huffington: Pelosi Should tell Rangel to Step Down

October 11, 2009

Arianna Huffington told me this morning on our roundtable that Speaker Pelosi should tell W&M Chairman Charlie Rangel to step down … as early as Monday morning.

“They should decide it on Monday morning,” Huffington said. “He should step down from his chairmanship of the Ways and Means Committee if they want to improve their chances for 2010. Otherwise, they might see their approval rating come down to single digits.” Here’s how the rest of the roundtable weighed in:

WILL: Charlie Rangel is a genuine war hero, a delightful person, intelligent and a good committee chairman, but his committee writes the tax laws. And there are some niggling people out there who think those who write the tax laws ought to abide by them. Seventy-five thousand dollars in — in income that taxes were not paid on. He underestimated by about half his assets on his disclosure form to Congress. Do the rules mean anything at all?

Read more: (George Stephanopoulos, “Roundtable: Huffington Says Pelosi Should Tell Rangel to ‘Step Down’,” ABC News’ “George’s Bottom Line” blog, 10/11/09)