Visclosky Aide a Focus of Federal Investigation

October 17, 2009

A federal investigation into defense contracts awarded through congressional earmarks is increasingly focused on a former top aide to Rep. Peter J. Visclosky (D-Ind.) who worked with the congressman on funding requests from clients of a powerful lobbying firm, according to two sources familiar with the probe.

Investigators have gathered evidence that Charles E. Brimmer, Visclosky’s former longtime chief of staff, suggested to some lobbyists that companies seeking Visclosky’s help in getting Pentagon funds would need to commit to a program of donations to the member of the Appropriations defense subcommittee, the sources said. The Justice Department is trying to determine whether Brimmer’s proposal constituted quid pro quo, an illegal act in which a public official requests something of value in exchange for an official action.

Brimmer, 55, Visclosky’s right-hand man on political and appropriation decisions, announced in late May that he would retire from his post, days after investigators subpoenaed records from Visclosky’s offices and from Brimmer personally. Visclosky said then that investigators sought information about the congressman’s dealings with the PMA Group, a lobbying powerhouse that also has been a focus of the investigation.

Read more: (Carol D. Leonnig and Paul Kane, “Earmark Probe Focusing on Former Aide to Visclosky,” The Washington Post, 10/17/09)