House Democrats’ Broken Record
Despite Dem Leader Pelosi’s Chants of “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs,” Her Policies Make Them Go Away
- As President Obama prepares to unveil his latest so-called jobs plan today, Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi continues to repeat the word “jobs” over and over again in public appearances, as if doing so will make them magically appear.
- Democrats may think that repeating the word “jobs” makes them look serious, but it won’t erase their record of job-destroying policies. As the economy faces rising risk of a double-dip recession, Nancy Pelosi is doubling down on the same, failed stimulus spending policies of the last two years.
- Meanwhile, Pelosi and her Democrat caucus continue to vote over and over against economic growth and job-creation.
As President Obama prepares to unveil his latest so-called jobs plan today, Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi continues to repeat the word “jobs” over and over again in public appearances, as if doing so will make them magically appear:
SEPTEMBER 1, 2011: “Pelosi noted that everyone is talking about ‘jobs, jobs, jobs’ but that figuring out how to create more of them is hard.” (Scot Kersgaard, “Bennet and Udall send Jobs Report to Obama,” The Colorado Independent, 9/1/2011)
AUGUST 3, 2011: “But again, this is about how we go to the next steps: jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs.” (Remarks from Nancy Pelosi, “Pelosi: Americans ‘Want Job Initiatives,'” MSNBC’sAndrea Mitchell Reports, 8/3/2011)
AUGUST 2, 2011: “JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, JOBS. YOU CANNOT SAY IT ENOUGH.”(Pelosi news conference, 8/02/2011)
JULY 28, 2011: “The American people’s top priority is the creation of jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs.” (“Pelosi Floor Speech in Opposition to Republican Default Act,” Office of Rep. Nancy Pelosi, 7/28/2011)
JULY 21, 2011: “It is all about jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs.” (Pelosi news conference, 7/21/2011)
JULY 15, 2011: “And of course if you are young and you are in college or you are newly graduated, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs—they are important to you.” (“Pelosi Remarks Following Democratic Caucus Meeting Today,” Office of the Democratic Leader, 7/15/2011)
JULY 14, 2011: “Of course, as I say, jobs, jobs, jobs.” (“Leader Pelosi’s Weekly Press Conference Today,” Office of the Democratic Leader, 6/14/2011)
JULY 13, 2011: “And when I ask my kids, ‘What do you think young people care the most about?’ They said, ‘Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs.’ ” (“Pelosi Remarks Following Meeting with Young Americans on Debt Talks,” Office of Democratic Leader, 9/8/2011)
JUNE 2011: “Don’t forget, job, jobs, jobs.” (Pelosi news conference, 6/16/2011)
FEB 2011: “House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi may be able to get through a sentence without using the word ‘jobs,’ but you wouldn’t know that by listening to her lately. The year of the rabbit? That’s apparently about jobs. Black History Month? That’s also a jobs issue. Public financing for presidential campaigns – Pelosi managed to turn that into a statement about jobs.” (John Bresnahan, “Pelosi Fixated on Job Creation,” Politico, 2/11/2011)
JAN. 2011: VAN SUSTEREN: “The headline tonight, jobs?”
PELOSI: “Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, yes.” (Fox News Channel’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren,” 1/25/2011)
DEC. 2010: “Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs. That’s what those hundreds of people looking for work came to Capitol Hill looking for.” (“Pelosi: Tax Cut Legislation Gives Middle-Income Families Fairness and Economic Opportunity to Create Jobs,” Office of the Democratic Leader, 12/2/2010)
MAY 13, 2010: “Our mantra here, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, the four letter word that we keep our attention focused on.” (Pelosi news conference, 5/13/2010)
MAY 6, 2010: “Although financial regulation, energy policy and immigration have been in the spotlight recently, Pelosi, D-Calif., maintained Thursday that for Democrats ‘it’s all about jobs, jobs, jobs.'” (Joseph J. Schatz, “Pelosi Seeks Action on Tax ‘Extenders’ Bill; Measure May Include ‘Carried Interest’ Tax,” CQ Today, 5/06/2010)
JAN 2010: “Congress’ major focus, though, is on what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls ‘That four-letter word … jobs, jobs, jobs.'” (David Lightman, “Congress Looks to Create Jobs, But Will it Be Enough?,” McClatchy Newspapers, 1/25/2010)
JULY 2009: “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says her advocacy for cap-and-trade is all about ‘jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs.’ But there’s no evidence that employment has grown anywhere in the world because of energy mandates such as cap-and-trade.”(Editorial, “Green Myths,” The Detroit News, 7/02/2009)
JUNE 2009: “No matter how long this Congress wants to talk about it, we cannot hold back the future. And so, in order to move on with the future, I want to yield back my time, submit my statement for the record, and urge my colleagues to vote for this important legislation. And when you do, just remember these four words for what this legislation means: jobs, jobs, jobs, and jobs. Let`s vote for jobs.” (Pelosi floor statement, 6/26/2009)
APRIL 2009: “And as we go forward, we’ve passed other bills for job creation, our water bill. We’ll have a highway bill coming up soon — jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs.”(CNN’s “Larry King,” 4/08/2009)
SEPT 14, 2008: “With unemployment nationally at 6.1%, the highest since September 2003, it’s about jobs, jobs, jobs,’ Pelosi said.” (Editorial, “Lend a Hand to U.S. Automakers,” Detroit Free Press, 9/14/2008)
SEPT 11, 2008: “Jobs — a four-letter word, I tell you that over and over — jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs.” (Pelosi news conference, 9/11/2008)
SEPT 10, 2008: “‘This is very, very important to an important industry in our country,’ Pelosi said Tuesday. ‘It’s about jobs, jobs, jobs.'” (Justin Hyde, “Pelosi to Push for Loans to Carmakers,” Detroit Free Press, 9/10/2008)
JUNE 2004: “But jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs are central to it all.” (CNN’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” 6/16/2004)
SEPT 2003: “During a luncheon in the U.S. Capitol sponsored by Rep. Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, the party leader told the invited black journalists that the Democratic National Committee and the Congressional Black Caucus did not want them to take up the Democratic cause but to give a fair hearing their party’s legislative agenda aimed at creating ‘jobs, jobs, jobs,’ quality education and economic parity.” (Andrienne T. Washington, “Black Journalists Wish for Year-Round Concern,”The Washington Times, 9/26/2003)
FEB 2003: “‘The issue of concern to American people over and over again is jobs, jobs, jobs,’ Pelosi said.” (John Gallagher, “Unions to Step Up Their Political Activity,” Detroit Free Press, 2/26/2003)
AUG 1992: “Our platform is about jobs, jobs, jobs.” (CNN’s “Crossfire,” 8/20/1992)
JULY 1992: “Pelosi said, ‘It’s a platform about jobs, jobs, jobs.'” (Martin F. Nolan, “Platform: Tsongas Gets Voice, But Little Else,” The Boston Globe, 7/14/1992)
Democrats may think that repeating the word “jobs” makes them look serious, but it won’t erase their record of job-destroying policies. Pelosi and her Democrat caucus continue to vote over and over against economic growth and job-creation:
DEMOCRATS’ FAILED STIMULUS ABOUT “JOBS, JOBS, JOBS AND JOBS”: “We also must make sure the public understands this is a very fiscally sound package. The choices that were made in it were to create jobs, jobs, jobs and jobs and jobs as soon as possible and jobs over a period of time to stabilize the economy.” (Pelosi news conference, 3/10/2009)
DEMOCRATS’ FAILED GOVERNMENT “STIMULUS” SPENDING SPREE: Final Vote: 244-188. (Roll Call Vote 46, Clerk of the U.S. House, 1/28/2009)
MORE THAN 2 MILLION JOBS LOST UNDER OBAMA: “The RNC figure—2 million jobs gone—actually underplays the number of jobs lost since Obama took office.”(Mark Naymik, “Republican National Committee’s Ad Says There Are 2 Million Fewer Jobs Since Obama Took Office,” Politifact, 7/7/2011)
WHITE HOUSE FORECAST: UNEMPLOYMENT ABOVE 9% THROUGH 2012. (Erik Wasson, “White House Downgrades Job Growth Forecast for 2012,” The Hill, 9/1/2011)
PELOSI SAID GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF HEALTHCARE WOULD CREATE “4 MILLION JOBS – 400,000 JOBS ALMOST IMMEDIATELY”: “It’s about jobs. In its life, it [the health bill] will create 4 million jobs — 400,000 jobs almost immediately.“(“Pelosi: Health Reform Will Create 400,000 Jobs ‘Almost Immediately,’ Real Clear Politics, 2/25/2010)
HOUSE DEMOCRATS RAM THROUGH GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF HEALTHCARE:Final Vote: 219-212. (Roll Call Vote 165, Clerk of the U.S. House, 3/21/2010)
CBO: HEALTHCARE TAKEOVER WILL COST 800,000 JOBS. (Jeffrey H. Anderson, “CBO Director Says ObamaCare Would Reduce Employment by 800,000 Workers,” The Weekly Standard, 2/10/2011)
CAP-AND-TRADE BILL ABOUT “JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, JOBS”? “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says her advocacy for cap-and-trade is all about ‘jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs.’ But there’s no evidence that employment has grown anywhere in the world because of energy mandates such as cap-and-trade.” (Editorial, “Green Myths,” The Detroit News, 7/02/2009)
211 DEMOCRATS VOTED FOR CAP-AND-TRADE NATIONAL ENERGY TAX: Final Vote: 219-212. (Roll Call Vote 477, Clerk of the U.S. House, 6/26/2009)
WOULD HAVE DESTROYED UP TO 1 MILLION JOBS A YEAR, INCREASED ANNUAL ENERGY BILLS $1,000: “Independent analysis conducted by the nonpartisan Tax Foundation estimates that job loss could be close to 1 million jobs per year. Theaverage family is expected to see an increase of about $1,100 in their energy-related bills (gas for the car, electricity for the house, etc.), meaning the average cost increase for a small business will be even greater.” (“Cap and Trade,” National Federation of Independent Businesses, Accessed 2/2/2011)
BUT PELOSI IS “STILL PUSHING AN ECONOMIC STIMULUS AGENDA”:“Though the House minority leader and her caucus are still pushing an economic stimulus agenda to save the economy, they’ve radically changed their rhetoric with the hope of winning over voters who saw ‘stimulus’ as close to a dirty word. Democrats are now being careful to frame their job-creation agenda in language excluding references to any stimulus, even though their favored policies for ending the deepest recession since the Great Depression are largely the same. … That’s a sharp shift from last year’s messaging strategy, when Pelosi issued hundreds of press releases touting the benefits of the 2009 stimulus bill in hopes of making believers of skeptical voters.” (Mike Lillis, “Pelosi Drops the Word ‘Stimulus’,” The Hill, 9/6/2011)
THEY’VE JUST DROPPED THE WORD “STIMULUS”: “Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Democrats have dropped the word ‘stimulus’ from their vocabulary.” (Mike Lillis, “Pelosi Drops the Word ‘Stimulus’,” The Hill
, 9/6/2011)
ODDS OF A RECESSION AT 50 PERCENT? “If history is a guide, the odds that the American economy is falling into a double-dip recession have risen sharply in recent weeks and may even have reached 50 percent.” (David Leonhardt, “Rising Fears of Recession,” The New York Times, 9/7/2011)
And Pelosi and her Democrat caucus continue to vote over and over against economic growth and job-creation:
NORTH AMERICAN-MADE ENERGY SECURITY ACT [STREAMLINING PERMITS FOR KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE], PROJECTED TO CREATE 131,000 JOBS, OPPOSED BY 75% OF DEMS. Final Vote: 279-147. (Roll Call 650, Clerk of the U.S. House, 7/26/2011; Editorial, “Jobs in the Pipeline,” The Wall Street Journal, 7/7/2011)
JOBS AND ENERGY PERMITTING ACT, OPPOSED BY 85% OF DEMS. Final Vote: 253-166. (Roll Call 478, Clerk of the U.S. House, 6/22/2011)
RESTARTING AMERICAN OFFSHORE LEASING NOW ACT, COULD CREATE 1.19 MILLION JOBS ALONG WITH TWO OTHER BILLS, OPPOSED BY 77% OF DEMS. Final Vote: 266-149. (Roll Call 298, Clerk of the U.S. House, 5/5/2011; Testimony of Dr. Joseph R. Mason Hermann Moyse, Jr./LBA Professor of Finance Louisiana State University, “Hearing on HR 1229 ‘Putting the Gulf Back to Work Act’, HR 1230 ‘Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act,’ and HR 1231 ‘Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act,'” U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Energy & Mineral Resources, 4/6/2011)
PUTTING THE GULF OF MEXICO BACK TO WORK ACT, OPPOSED BY 85% OF DEMS.Final Vote: 263-163. (Roll Call 309, Clerk of the U.S. House, 5/11/2011)
REVERSING PRESIDENT OBAMA’S OFFSHORE MORATORIUM ACT, OPPOSED BY 89% OF DEMS. Final Vote: 243-179. (Roll Call 320, Clerk of the U.S. House, 5/12/2011)
REDUCING REGULATORY BURDENS ACT, OPPOSED BY 68% OF DEMS. Final Vote: 292-130. (Roll Call 206, Clerk of the U.S. House, 3/31/2011)
RESTRICTING EPA’S CRUSADE AGAINST MINING JOBS, OPPOSED BY 89% OF DEMS. Final Vote: 239-184. (Roll Call 573, Clerk of the U.S. House, 7/13/2011)
1099 REPEAL, SIGNED BY THE PRESIDENT BUT STILL OPPOSED BY 58% OF DEMS—INCLUDING PELOSI. Final Vote: 314-112. (Roll Call 162, Clerk of the U.S. House, 3/3/2011)
REPEAL OF THE GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF HEALTHCARE, OPPOSED BY 98% OF DEMS. Final Vote: 245-189. (Roll Call 14, Clerk of the U.S. House, 1/19/2011)