Big spending measure set for House vote riles GOP

December 11, 2009

Every House Republican voted against the latest attempt by Democrats to balloon the deficit and ramp up spending.
From “Democrats on Capitol Hill are muscling through a deficit-swelling spending bill, giving domestic programs their third major boost this year and awarding lawmakers with more than 5,000 back-home projects. The House passed the 1,088-page, $1.1 trillion measure — combining $447 billion in operating budgets with about $650 billion in payments for federal benefit programs such as Medicare and Medicaid — by a 221-202 vote. The Senate immediately voted to begin debate with a final vote likely this weekend. No House Republicans voted for the bill. Some 28 Democrats, chiefly moderates and abortion opponents, opposed the measure. Rep. John Boccieri, D-Alliance, supported it. The measure provides spending increases averaging about 10 percent to programs under immediate control of Congress. It comes on top of an infusion of cash to domestic agencies in February’s economic stimulus bill and a $410 billion measure in March that also bestowed budget increases well above inflation. Also Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., confirmed that the chamber will vote to raise the cap on government borrowing, currently set at $12.1 trillion. The hike in the debt ceiling is likely to exceed $1.5 trillion so that another politically excruciating vote to raise the limit won’t be needed next year. The deficit for the 2009 budget year registered $1.4 trillion and a comparable deficit is expected for 2010 — and that’s before Congress spends up to $100 billion to renew extended jobless payments and health insurance subsidies for the unemployed and passes legislation intended to create jobs. “When are we going to say, ‘Enough is enough?’ ” said House GOP Leader John Boehner of Ohio. “Let’s stop the madness.” …”
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