More Democrats to Retire?

December 29, 2009

From The Hill: “Political observers should expect more retirement announcements from centrist Democrats, according to Rep. Dan Boren (Okla.), himself a centrist Democrat. Boren, who is being targeted for defeat by Republicans in 2010, said that a tough road ahead in 2010 could spur more Democrats to opt out of tougher races next fall. “I think you’re probably going to see a few more [retirements], especially some of the older members who would rather leave on a high note,” Boren told The Oklahoman. Four Democrats in centrist- or Republican-leaning districts have already said they won’t run again in 2010: Reps. Brian Baird (Wash.), Bart Gordon (Tenn.), John Tanner (Tenn.) and Dennis Moore (Kan.). Rep. Parker Griffith (Ala.) also left the Democratic Party to become a Republican earlier this month. Analysts have projected that Republicans are likely to make inroads against Democrats’ 79-seat majority in the House, which Boren cited as a reason for additional retirements. “The political environment is definitely a contributing factor,” he said. “Some may decide they want to do something else for a few years.” Boren is one of the most conservative House Democrats, having supported the stimulus bill but opposing cap-and-trade legislation and the House healthcare bill. He told The Oklahoman, though, that he won’t switch parties like Griffith did. The nonpartisan Cook Political Report rates Boren’s district, despite its strong Republican leanings, as having a strong likelihood for Democratic retention in 2010.”