Walberg to face Schauer in rematch

August 3, 2010

Moments after winning a sound victory in the Republican primary in Michigan’s 7th Congressional District, Walberg said he was ready for the chance to compare his record to that of Democrat Mark Schauer.
Walberg’s victory means voters will see a repeat of the district’s 2008 race when Schauer, of Bedford Township, narrowly defeated Walberg, then the incumbent.
“I’m a proven fiscal conservative,” Walberg said. “My record is a night and day difference from Mark Schauer.”
In a statement, Schauer said he was “looking forward to a spirited campaign against Walberg.”
Walberg, of Tipton, defeated two political newcomers to win the GOP nomination: Brian Rooney of Dexter and Marvin Carlson of Manchester.
Rooney and Carlson could not be reached for comment late Tuesday, but Walberg said both men offered to support his campaign.
Rooney is an Iraq War veteran and attorney from Dexter. His brother, Tom Rooney, is a Republican congressman from Florida. Rooney recently worked for the conservative Thomas More Law Center in Ann Arbor. He serves on the board of the Pittsburgh Steelers, a football team his grandfather founded.
The race was also Carlson’s first attempt at seeking elected office. During the campaign, Carlson touted his experience running a private business as the factor setting him apart from other candidates. He even released a recent federal tax return showing his business income and challenged other candidates to do the same.
Unofficial complete results gave Walberg 41,940 votes, compared to Rooney’s 23,605 and Carlson 7,441.
Voters who backed Walberg said they liked his conservative record.
“I think he’s a conservative, and I’m not too sure the other two are,” said Carl Bolles, 45, of Battle Creek.
Michelle Coats of Marshall said she liked Walberg’s staunch anti-abortion views.
“As I compared the candidates, I just felt that he was the candidate I was most comfortable with,” Coats said.
Rooney’s backers said they wanted to see some drastic changes to leadership.
“I think it’s time for a fresh face,” said Tom Dix, 59, of Battle Creek. “Right now, if you’re in office, it’s time to get out of office.”
Jim Smith, 52, of Battle Creek, said he decided to vote for Rooney after seeing all three candidates at a debate last month.
“The biggest thing — and I’m sure you’re going to hear this over and over again — is he’s not a career politician,” Smith told a reporter.
Barrett Newkirk can be reached at 966-0692 or bnewkirk@gannett.com.

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