House Ethics Panel Investigating Rep. Stark

January 6, 2010

“House Ethics Panel Investigating Rep. Stark”
Joe Garofoli
San Franciso Examiner

A House ethics panel is investigating Rep. Pete Stark, D-Fremont, but is not saying what allegations it is looking into that involve the 19-term congressman.

The Office of Congressional Ethics, which checks out potential violations and recommends investigations to the ethics committee, forwarded the inquiry to the panel on Nov. 12. The committee announced the investigation in a statement released Dec. 24.

Under House rules, the ethics committee has up to 90 days to review a recommendation from the ethics office.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose, the committee chair, has asked to extend the ethics panel’s review of the case until Feb. 10.

Earlier this year, the ethics office “reviewed Stark and three other lawmakers after news reports indicated the Members had received a Maryland tax break intended for state residents,” according to Roll Call, a Washington news Web site. “OCE terminated those inquiries without recommending a formal ethics investigation.”

Read the entire article here.