Democrat Leader Steny Hoyer Sets Low Benchmark for 2010 Success

January 11, 2010

From The Hill: “Anything short of losing a majority in the House will be seen as a victory for Democrats, their second-ranking member said Friday. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Democrats would lose “minimal” amounts of seats in the House in this fall’s midterm election, and set a very low benchmark for his party’s success in 2010. “Yes, I think that’s the case,” Hoyer said in an interview with MSNBC if asked of “anything short of losing the majority” is a success for Democrats. There are currently 257 Democrats in the House. They could lose up to 39 seats in this fall’s elections and still be able to maintain control of the chamber with a one-vote majority. “We’re going to lose minimal seats,” Hoyer said. “You know, certainly not enough to put me as a minority leader. That’s the critical level of loss that we’re looking at.” Republicans have been optimistic in their chances to make inroads in this fall’s elections after a spate of favorable polls and some Democratic retirements. Winning 40 seats is still a tall order for the GOP, however, a reality recognized in part by some party leaders this past week, who have expressed skepticism in their ability to take back Congress. …”