A Republican tidal wave in 2010?

January 13, 2010

With the momentum Republicans are getting from Democrats pushing their failed policies, we have a chance to make real gains in midterm elections.  Check out the NRCC’s Call to Arms program to help us retire Nancy Pelosi and her puppets!
From The Washington Post: “A week after Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele said Republicans can’t win control of the House in this year’s midterm elections, two House leaders have offered a contrary — and highly bullish — forecast. “We believe we can win back the majority,” House Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) told a group of reporters over dinner Tuesday night. “Lot of work to do. It is not a done deal, a sure shot, but we believe we can take back this majority.” Cantor and Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who heads up the party’s recruiting efforts for the midterm elections, offered both their upbeat predictions for the midterms and a rough roadmap for taking back the majority they lost in 2006. The two House leaders, pointing to GOP victories in Virginia and New Jersey last November and the nervousness among Democrats about next week’s special Senate election in Massachusetts, said that the national political climate is now titled significantly against President Obama and the Democrats. They said the effort Democrats are now making in Massachusetts reminded them of the lengths to which Republicans went in 2006 in special elections in normally GOP districts, only to lose them because of the political environment. “This is an election where people are just going to be motivated and governed by their distaste for this agenda being proposed here,” Cantor said. “It’s that straightforward.” …”
Read the Full Story Here.