Himes Ditches Rangel Money
“Republican State Party Chairman Chris Healy Wednesday commended U.S. Rep. Jim Himes, D-CT, for donating campaigns funds to charity that he received from disgraced Congressman Charles Rangel, D-NY,” begins the statement emailed by Healy this afternoon.
Of course, Healy’s kind words for Himes are used as a cudgel to hammer Democratic Congressmen Joe Courtney and Chris Murphy.
“Jim Himes made things right by giving away the Rangel money, now it’s time for Joe Courtney and Chris Murphy to step up and write some checks to charity,” said Healy. “Charlie Rangel has been shaking special interests down and spreading the money around, now it’s time to reject that corrupt money.”
Murphy has already said his office is reviewing the donations he has recieved from Rangel in past election cycles and that he intends to donate the money to charity.
Courtney spokesman Brian Farber said Courtney is in the process of donating any funds he received from Rangel to charities in eastern Connecticut. Courtney has received a total of about $25,000 from Rangel through the years.
Read more: (Daniela Altimari, “Man Bites Dog; Healy Praises Himes,” Hartford Courant, 03/03/10)