Van Hollen Visits Scandal-Plagued Career Politician in Louisiana

September 7, 2010

Van Hollen Visits Scandal-Plagued Career Politician in Louisiana
DCCC Chairman Embraces Cedric Richmond, Another Ethically-Challenged Candidate
Washington- With corruption already running rampant through the ranks of the Democrat party, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Chairman Chris Van Hollen has taken it one step further by throwing his support to State Representative Cedric Richmond, a career politician who has a long history of playing fast and loose with the law. Richmond will face Rep. Joseph Cao (R-LA) in November, who ousted the ethically-embattled William Jefferson to win the heavily Democratic, New Orleans-based seat in 2008. And like Jefferson, who was convicted of bribery and is currently serving a 13-year prison sentence, Richmond has some ethical baggage of his own. With other prominent congressional Democrats facing ethical charges themselves, Van Hollen’s support for Richmond is further proof that Speaker Pelosi and her party are standing knee-deep in the ethical swamp they pledged to drain in 2006.

“As if it weren’t enough that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat party have failed to live up to their promise to ‘drain the swamp’ and restore accountability in Washington, they are now brazenly endorsing corruption as if it’s business as usual,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “By appearing with Cedric Richmond in New Orleans today, Chris Van Hollen is sending a loud and clear message to voters that it’s ok for politicians to be held to a different standard than the rest of us. It’s bad enough that Democrat leaders have failed to condemn these ethical lapses that Richmond has committed, but the fact that they are openly endorsing it further fuels the fire for disgruntled voters who are fed up with the culture of corruption in Washington.”

The Louisiana Truth PAC has waged a campaign to expose Richmond’s corruption problem:

“Stuart H. Smith, a Democratic donor who has cut checks to a slate of party candidates, launched the Louisiana Truth PAC, which in recent weeks has been slamming Richmond in TV ads and mailers for his alleged ethical mishaps.

“The group has also launched a website titled, ‘The Real Cedric Richmond for Congress,’ which features comic book-like imagery that portrays Richmond as a ‘villain.’”

“‘Once all the evidence about Mr. Richmond’s corruption came out, we knew we had to act,’ said Smith, who likened Richmond to Jefferson. ‘We can’t have another Bill Jefferson.’” (Alex Isenstadt, “Louisiana rep. takes home-stretch heat, Politico, 8/28/10)

Richmond’s Rap Sheet:

• Misdemeanor Charge Arising from a Violent Baton Rouge Bar Fight in 2007: “Cedric Richmond, currently a Democratic member of the Louisiana House of Representatives, was charged with a misdemeanor after a fistfight with a patron at a Louisiana bar in 2007. According to a police report obtained by FrumForum, Richmond got into a fight over a pool table in Uncle Earl’s Bar in Baton Rouge… The police report says that a verbal altercation between Richmond and the other patron turned violent, resulting in a ‘shoving match.’ Richmond and the other man were then both charged with a misdemeanor… The police report adds that ‘it did appear that alcohol did play a large part in the incident.’” (Tim Mak, Dem Candidate’s Past: Bar Fights & Suspended Licenses, FrumForum, 8/12/10)

• Suspension of Law License in 2008 for Using a False Address to Run for City Council in 2005: “The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s endorsement of state Rep. Cedric Richmond in a Louisiana primary has prompted a prominent local Democrat — and supporter of Richmond’s primary rival — to write DCCC Chairman Chris Van Hollen to voice his complaints… ‘You should be aware that State Representative Richmond has had some serious black marks on his record including suspension from the Louisiana State Bar Association for perjury on an election application.’” (Ben Smith, “Pressure on DCCC in Cao seat primary,”Politico, 8/16/10)

• Accused of Profiting from a Charity after he Pushed for Multiple Grants: A new piece by a New Orleans blog, American Zombie, raises new questions about Richmond’s involvement in a charity which was shut down because its executive director stole from the group… American Zombie asks whether any of the personal expenses that the executive director made with the non-profit’s credit card went to Cedric Richmond. Two sources tell the blogger that Cedric Richmond used the non-profit’s funds to purchase a Rolex watch.” (Tim Mak, “Dem Candidate Accused of Profiting from Charity,” FrumForum, 8/17/10)

• Threatened Girl in Baton Rouge Bar, Exclaiming: “I don’t work for the state. The state works for me”: “According to the FEC, Louisiana Truth PAC contributed $64K toward a mail and TV ad campaign against Richmond. The PAC, which also purportedly aided other Dems in LA, began its anti-Richmond expenditures on 8/20, and recently began airing TV ads attacking him for participating in a bar fight and also for claiming ‘the state works for me.’ Another ad featured the author of a book on the 1927 New Orleans flood, who said flood protection is not Richmond’s first priority.” (Tim Sahd, “Richmond To Face Cao; LA 03 GOPers Move To Runoff,” Hotline On Call, 8/29/10)
