Duffy Talks Jobs

October 5, 2010

DULUTH, Minn. – Republican nominee Sean Duffy visited an Auto Body repair Center in Superior today to talk about his jobs plan for Wisconsin.

Duffy is running for the 7th Congressional District to the U.S. Congress.

He says his jobs plan will remove uncertainty and restore confidence.

He was at Thatcher Auto Center in Superior to outline that plan, which includes freezing deficit spending and stopping tax increases.

He also wants to reform the tax code to make it simpler and expand trade and exports.

Duffy also took the opportunity to respond to a negative campaign ad his opponent Julie Lassa has been running in which he is featured saying he can’t create jobs.

“The private sector creates jobs, people who invest in their businesses and their companies. We need to have an environment where our businesses expand and grow and that was the comment that I made and you know what? I stand by the comment that businesses create jobs, not government,” said Duffy.

He also spoke about the need to revisit health care reform to reduce the burden on businesses

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