Massa Blasts Democrats, Emanuel

March 9, 2010

Rep. Eric Massa resigned on Monday, but he didn’t go quietly. The freshman Democrat from New York lambasted House leaders and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel on the way out the door before officially resigning at 5 p.m. Massa appears set to continue the talk; he’ll appear Tuesday on Tea Party favorite Glenn Beck’s program on Fox, according to a tweet by Beck. Massa’s edgy comments about Emanuel drew the most attention.
Massa called Emanuel “the son of the devil’s spawn” during his Sunday radio show and told a story about a naked Emanuel angrily confronting him in the congressional gym’s shower. Emanuel was angry that Massa was not going to support the president’s budget, according to Massa. “Do you know how awkward it is to have a political argument with a naked man?” Massa said.

Read more: (Jordy Yager and Aaron Blake, “Massa Blasts Democrats, Emanuel; Talks About New Year’s Eve incident,” The Hill, 03/09/10)