Chairman Sessions Statement on Opening of the 112th Congress

January 5, 2011

Chairman Sessions Statement on Opening of the 112th Congress

Washington, DC
– National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX) today released the following statement regarding the opening of the 112th Congress with a new Republican Majority and John Boehner as Speaker of the House:

“Majorities rise and fall by the will of the people, and this new Republican Congress is sworn in under the American people’s message to lead with accountability – not a mandate. I’m very proud that 87 new Republican Members will help lead the People’s House with the transparency and pro-growth solutions voters demanded. Delivering on our goal to make John Boehner Speaker of the House, the new Republican Majority is moving forward on our promises to reform government, cut spending and promote job creation in the free enterprise system.

“While Nancy Pelosi and her party apparently have yet to understand the message sent on Election Day, the American people have no regrets for soundly rejecting the job-killing policies that Democrats imposed the last four years. The more determined Nancy Pelosi is to fight efforts to create jobs and grow our economy, the more motivated voters will be to ensure that she never holds the Speaker’s gavel again.”
