First ObamaCare Political Casualty

April 9, 2010

Dear Supporter,

One down…

Unable to defend his vote for ObamaCare to his constituents, Bart Stupak has announced he will not run for reelection.

The ten-term Democrat incumbent made his decision because of you and your efforts to hold Democrats accountable for ignoring their district and supporting a government takeover of healthcare. Democrats, like Stupak, chose Nancy Pelosi over your best interests and are now facing the wrath of voters across the country.

We have plenty of other pro-ObamaCare Democrats targeted for the election. Congressman Stupak’s open seat gives us another “highly likely” pick-up opportunity, freeing up valuable resources for other Republican challengers running against Democrat incumbents in other districts.

Because of you, Bart Stupak is the first political casualty of ObamaCare. With your help he will not be the last. We are working to keep this momentum going. As always, we appreciate your support of our efforts to take back the House and end the reign of Nancy Pelosi as Speaker.

Thank you.

Guy Harrison
NRCC Executive Director

P.S. Healthcare continues to be a political liability for Democrats, let’s continue keep up pressure to ensure Nancy Pelosi and her puppets, like Bart Stupak, understand their actions have consequences.


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