41 Days Left as Obama Continues to Block Keystone Jobs

January 11, 2012

Despite Broad Coalition of Job Creators Urging Keystone Approval, Workers Are Still Waiting on Obama to End Bureaucratic Delay of Job Creation


Despite a vast alliance of job creators and local officials urging President Obama to stop blocking the creation of tens of thousands of Keystone jobs, President Obama continues to delay this immediate job creation opportunity. American workers are left wondering if President Obama will once again prioritize political payback for his Washington friends over real job creation:

INSTITUTE FOR 21ST CENTURY ENERGY AT U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: “This stable, long-term energy supply is critical to U.S. energy security at a time when global supplies are often found in geopolitically unstable regions of the world, and production from once—reliable sources is declining. …  Suspending the review process of the KXL project would bring about unnecessary delay and uncertainty for potential investors.” (Institute for 21st Century Energy letter to U.S. State Department, 6/18/2010)

QUINTANA CAPITAL GROUP: “On June 9, 2010, Quintana filed a Letter of Intent with the North Dakota Public Service Commission to permit and construct a pipeline that will transport and deliver crude oil production from North Dakota and Montana to a proposed interconnect with KXL in Montana for further deliveries to refining markets downstream of Cushing, Oklahoma and Nederland, Texas. It is therefore vital to the commercial success of our project to have certainty as early as possible, ideally during 2010, with regards to KXL’s in-service date.” (Quintana Capital Group letter to U.S. State Department, 6/18/2010) 

LITTLE ROCK, AR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: “This project serves as a vital step in Arkansas’ road to economic recovery, as hundreds of Arkansans depend on major projects like KXL to keep their factories running. The prompt approval of this project will put people to work immediately making pipe and other materials for the project, jobs that Arkansas desperately needs.” (Little Rock, AR Chamber of Commerce letter to U.S. State Department, 6/18/2010)