40 Days Left as Obama Continues to Block Keystone Jobs
Despite Broad Coalition of Job Creators Urging Keystone Approval, Workers Are Still Waiting on Obama to End Bureaucratic Delay of Job Creation
Despite a vast alliance of job creators and local officials urging President Obama to stop blocking the creation of tens of thousands of Keystone jobs, President Obama continues to delay this immediate job creation opportunity. American workers are left wondering if President Obama will once again prioritize political payback for his Washington friends over real job creation:
SOUTHEASTERN MONTANA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION: “This proposed pipeline would be a major benefit by creating additional tax base for the counties and cities. It would also bring numerous jobs and economic benefits to a much needed rural and economically challenged part of Montana. Our politicians all speak about creating those ‘good and high paying jobs.’ These are those ‘good and high paying jobs.’” (Southeastern Montana Development Corporation letter to U.S. State Department, 6/19/2010)
CONTINENTAL RESOURCES: “When constructed, KXL will alleviate some of the existing congestion in regional pipeline systems which will further encourage and benefit domestic oil production. More importantly, Transcanada’s agreement to support Bakken producers in Montana and North Dakota by providing a local connection into KXL will not only provide access to additional U.S. markets, butwill increase domestic oil production, reduce dependence on foreign oil, increase jobs, and increase tax revenues.” (Continental Resources letter to U.S. State Department, 6/21/2010)
ARKANSAS STATE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: “We can help the economy and our security by building for a future of increase long-term energy security at stable prices for Americans. Arkansans stand ready and willing to do their part. We need immediate action, as high unemployment serves as a continuing reminder of the costs attendant to delay in projects such as KXL.” (Arkansas State Chamber of Commerceletter to U.S. State Department, 6/21/2010)