NRCC TV Ad Highlights Costello’s Support for Dangerous Plan to Bankrupt Medicare

June 7, 2011

NRCC TV Ad Highlights Costello’s Support for Dangerous Plan to Bankrupt Medicare
Illinois Democrat’s Medicare Plan Full of Benefit Cuts and Ends in Bankruptcy

Washington — The National Republican Congressional Committee today released an ad highlighting Jerry Costello’s dangerous support of the Democrats’ plan that will bankrupt Medicare and endanger seniors’ access to their healthcare. As studies and figures continue to be released showing that Jerry Costello’s plan allows for Medicare to run out of money, it becomes increasingly more obvious that middle class families and seniors will be the ones hurt the most by Costello’s irresponsible agenda.

“Jerry Costello has been steadfast in his support behind a dangerous Democrat plan for Medicare that would ultimately force significant cuts to the very benefits seniors depend on,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “Not only would Costello’s plan require immediate tax hikes on every working American, it puts unelected bureaucrats between seniors and their doctors and places an even bigger burden on middle-class families and seniors alike.”

To view the ad, click here.

The text for the ad is as follows:

ANNCR: To grow old in America is to be one illness away from bankruptcy.
And Jerry Costello is making it worse.
Costello backs a Democrat plan the media says would “decimate medicare.”

The Costello-backed plan would lead to “political rationing” of health care taking choices from seniors,

“Shred the social safety net” and leave seniors vulnerable, at risk.
Call Jerry Costello tell him to stop bankrupting medicare.
The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.