New NRCC Video Highlights Christie Vilsack’s Own Words: “My Priorities Aren’t Important”

July 19, 2011

New NRCC Video Highlights Christie Vilsack’s Own Words: “My Priorities Aren’t Important”
On Iowa Democrat’s “Listening Tour,” Vilsack Tries to Hide Her Big Spending Liberal Priorities

Washington — After going on a “listening tour” for several months, Christie Vilsack announced today that she will run as a Democrat candidate in Iowa’s 4th Congressional District. To welcome her into the race, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is releasing a video highlighting Vilsack’s big government and spending agenda that she tries to hide on the campaign trail.

“Christie Vilsack’s support for the government takeover of healthcare and big-spending agenda is out-of-touch with Iowa’s working families,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “Vilsack can try to cover up her liberal priorities, but Iowans understand that the true Christie Vilsack will support Nancy Pelosi’s spending addiction which has made the economy worse and left future generations indebted to foreign countries like China.”

Several media reports of Vilsack’s “listening tour” demonstrate Vilsack’s attempt to hide her real liberal agenda:

Vilsack: “I am neither an insider or an outsider or perhaps I am both.” (Lauris Olson, “Vilsack commits to running,” AmesNewsOnline, 7/1/2011)

Vilsack “Declines” To Give Specifics: “She [Vilsack] added that what she’s heard across the district has been ‘really fascinating,’ but she declined to be specific so as not to influence the thoughts and concerns of those in attendance at Rockwell City.” (Lindsey Mutchler, “For Vilsack, a last stop in Iowa tour,” The Messenger, 6/17/2011)

Vilsack Says Her Priorities “Aren’t Important”: “Vilsack jotted everything down on a notepad, and when asked what her top three priorities would be, she said her priorities aren’t important.”
(Lindsey Mutchler, “For Vilsack, a last stop in Iowa tour,” The Messenger, 6/17/2011)

Vilsack Says She Has “A Lot To Learn”: “‘I’ve got a lot to learn and there are a lot of good people out here in the fourth district who can help me learn what I need to know to be a good Congress person,’ she said.” (Anne Blankenship “Vilsack makes WC stop,” The Daily Freeman Journal, 6/13/2011)

The text for the ad is as follows:

ANNCR: Christie Vilsack’s running all over Iowa with her little notebook, asking everyone what’s on their mind.

ANNCR: But the real question is why won’t she say what’s on her mind.

ANNCR: She’s even telling folks her priorities ‘aren’t important’.

ANNCR: Well Christie, You may be trying to hide your liberal agenda, but Iowans will figure it out pretty quick. Christie Vilsack, come on.

ANNCR: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

New NRCC Video Highlights Christie Vilsack’s Own Words: “My Priorities Aren’t Important” #madeinwdc
