Democrats Run Up the Tab with Your Taxes
Dems Ask Americans to Look at Their Record, and What a Record of Waste It Is
Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi last week encouraged Americans to look at the Democrats’ “record of what we’ve done before” to figure out what they’d do if Democrats regained the House majority:
FORMER MI GOV. JENNIFER GRANHOLM: “So if you had to tell folks, these are all political junkies and good progressives who watch, if you had to tell people what would be your first piece of legislation under a second Obama term with a majority as speaker, what would you want to see happen?
DEMOCRAT LEADER NANCY PELOSI: “Well, just a record of what we did before.” (Nancy Pelosi Interview with Jennifer Granholm, Current TV’s “The War Room”, 4/13/2012)
Here’s a reminder for Americans paying their taxes today of just a few ways Democrats have chosen to spend hard-earned tax dollars:
$4.989 TRILLION INCREASE IN THE NATIONAL DEBT SINCE OBAMA TOOK OFFICE: (“The Daily History of the Debt Results,” TreasuryDirect.Gov, Accessed 3/19/2012)
$831 BILLION ON FAILED STIMULUS: (“CBO’s Estimates of ARRA’s Economic Impact,”Congressional Budget Office, 2/22/2012)
$1.76 TRILLION FOR OBAMACARE OVER THE NEXT DECADE: (Philip Klein, “CBO: ObamaCare to Cost $1.76 Trillion Over 10 Years,” The Washington Examiner, 3/13/2012)
$535 MILLION LOST ON NOW-BANKRUPT SOLYNDRA: (Jim Snyder and Brian Wingfield, “Solyndra $535 Million Loan Guarantee Mostly Lost to Taxpayers, Chu Tells Lawmakers,” Bloomberg, 11/17/2011)
$3 BILLION LIKELY LOST BY OBAMA’S DOE ON “HIGH-RISK” GREEN PROGRAMS: (“Report: Energy Loans Could Cost $3B,” Associated Press, 2/10/2012)
$3.9 BILLION FOR CRONY CAPITALISM, LOANS TO “21 COMPANIES WITH CONNECTIONS TO FIVE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION STAFFERS AND ADVISERS”: (Carol Leonnig and Joe Stephens, “Venture Capitalists Play Key Role in Obama’s Energy Department,” The Washington Post, 2/14/2012)
$56 MILLION FROM ONE DOE LOAN RECIPIENT SPENT ON A “DESERT TORTOISE RELOCATION PROGRAM”: (Gene J. Koprowski, “Obama Energy Officials Funded Solar Firms Despite ‘Junk Bond’ Ratings from S&P, Fitch,” The Daily Caller, 3/31/2012)
$823,000 SPENT ON MIND-READERS, CLOWNS AND A CONFERENCE AT A LUXURY RESORT: (Byron Tau, “Taxpayer-Funded Clown, Mindreader Brings Down GSA Chief,” Politico, 4/2/2012)
$300,000 SPENT BY GSA FOR A SINGLE EMPLOYEE’S RELOCATION EXPENSES: (Dana Bash, “Employee Says GSA Spent ‘Millions’ on Relocation,” CNN, 4/12/2012)