Failure on Pelosi Street

May 21, 2012

Pelosi Gets A Street Named After Her After Leading the Fight for the Failed Stimulus, ObamaCare and a National Energy Tax 

  • MONUMENT TO ME AVENUE: Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi will have a street named after her in her native San Francisco today just two years after her party’s failed agenda led to the biggest midterm election repudiation in recent history.
  • FAILURE FREEWAY: Pelosi’s House Democrats have already cemented their place in history by continuing to recycle a failed agenda of wasteful stimulus spending and job-destroying taxes while they defend their government takeover of healthcare.
  • WEAK ECONOMY WAY: It’s puzzling that Pelosi is celebrating her failed legacy, since American families are still suffering under the weight of the Democrats’ job-destroying agenda.

MONUMENT TO ME AVENUE: Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi will have a street named after her in her native San Francisco today just two years after her party’s failed agenda led to the biggest midterm election repudiation in recent history:

A SAN FRANCISCO TREAT: NANCY PELOSI GETS A STREET NAMED AFTER HER TODAY: (“Mayor Lee’s Calendar,” Office of the Mayor of San Francisco, 5/21/2012)

FLASHBACK: PELOSI’S 2010 REPUDIATION WAS THE “LARGEST CONGRESSIONAL-SEAT LOSS SINCE 1948”: “The hurricane was destructive enough to dismantle the Democrats’ majority in the House, resulting in a party’s largest congressional-seat loss since 1948.” (Mark Murray, “ ‘Hurricane’ Ends Democrats’ Control of House,” NBC News, 11/3/2010) 

FAILURE FREEWAY: Pelosi’s House Democrats have already cemented their place in history by continuing to recycle a failed agenda of wasteful stimulus spending and job-destroying taxes while they defend their government takeover of healthcare:



AP: UNEMPLOYMENT RATE AT 8.1% AS “EMPLOYERS PULLED BACK ON HIRING,” “A SOBERING REMINDER THAT THE ECONOMY REMAINS WEAK”:(Christopher Rugaber, “Unemployment Rate Falls to 8.1 Percent as U.S. Adds 115,000 Jobs in April,” Associated Press, 5/4/2012)

UNEMPLOYMENT ABOVE 8% FOR 39 STRAIGHT MONTHS: (Jim Geraghty, “Remembering the ‘Miserable Reality’ and ‘Crisis’ of 4 to 6 Percent Unemployment,”National Review, 5/4/2012)

DEMS’ PROMISED THEIR FAILED STIMULUS WOULD BRING UNEMPLOYMENT BELOW 6% BY NOW: (Jim Pethokoukis, “The Awful April Jobs Report: Is the ‘Real’ Unemployment Rate 11.1%?”, The American, 5/4/2012)

PRICE TAG FOR FAILED STIMULUS: $831 BILLION: (“CBO’s Estimates of ARRA’s Economic Impact,” Congressional Budget Office, 2/22/2012)



98% OF HOUSE DEMS VOTED AGAINST REPEALING OBAMACARE: Final Vote: 245-189. (Roll Call 14, Clerk of the U.S. House, 1/19/2011)

SURVEY: 73% OF JOB CREATORS CITED OBAMACARE AS AN “OBSTACLE TO HIRING NEW WORKERS”: (Peter Schroeder, “Survey: Uncertainty, Gas Prices Slowing Hiring by Small Business,” The Hill, 4/16/2012) 

OBAMACARE TO COST $1.76 TRILLION OVER THE NEXT 10 YEARS: (Phillip Klein, “CBO: ObamaCare to Cost $1.76 Trillion Over 10 Years,” The Washington Examiner, 3/13/2012) 

TOTAL COSTS FOR OBAMACARE: $2.6 TRILLION: (“ObamaCare: A Budget-Busting, Job-Killing Healthcare Law,” Speaker of the House John Boehner, 1/6/2011)


82% OF HOUSE DEMOCRATS RAM THROUGH CAP-AND-TRADE NATIONAL ENERGY TAX: Final Vote: 219-212. (Roll Call 477, Clerk of the U.S. House, 6/26/2009) 

WSJ: CAP-AND-TRADE COULD HAVE BEEN “THE BIGGEST TAX IN AMERICAN HISTORY”: (Editorial, “The Cap and Tax Fiction,” The Wall Street Journal, 6/26/2009) 

WOULD HAVE COST AS MUCH AS $3.1 TRILLION LOSS IN GDP: (“State-by-State Analysis of Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade Legislation Paints Dour Picture for Nation’s Economy,” National Association of Manufacturers, 8/12/2009) 

WOULD HAVE DESTROYED UP TO 2.4 MILLION JOBS: (“State-by-State Analysis of Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade Legislation Paints Dour Picture for Nation’s Economy,”National Association of Manufacturers, 8/12/2009) 

WOULD HAVE CAUSED UP TO 50% INCREASE IN ELECTRICITY PRICES:(“State-by-State Analysis of Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade Legislation Paints Dour Picture for Nation’s Economy,” National Association of Manufacturers, 8/12/2009) 

WOULD HAVE CAUSED 26% INCREASE IN GAS PRICES: (“State-by-State Analysis of Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade Legislation Paints Dour Picture for Nation’s Economy,”National Association of Manufacturers, 8/12/2009)

WEAK ECONOMY WAY: It’s puzzling that Pelosi is celebrating her failed legacy, since American families are still suffering under the weight of the Democrats’ job-destroying agenda:

PELOSI HAS APPLAUDED HER OWN LEGACY BEFORE DESPITE WEAK ECONOMY: “Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is slated to reflect on her career during a scheduled speech at Tufts University. The current House minority leader is scheduled to speak Friday, April 8 as part of the 10th anniversary celebration of the ‘Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service’ at Tufts.” (“Pelosi to Reflect on Career at Tufts on Tuesday,” Associated Press, 4/3/2011)

GALLUP: “CONCERN ABOUT THE ECONOMY” IS “GREATER TODAY THAN FOR ANY PRESIDENT SEEKING RE-ELECTION” SINCE CARTER: “The extent of Americans’ concern about the economy — as evident in their top-of-mind mentions of it as the nation’s ‘most important problem’ — is greater today than for any president seeking re-election since Jimmy Carter in 1980. The current 66% mentioning one or more economic concerns is substantially higher than it was in May 2004 or May 1996, and moderately higher than at the same point in 1992 and 1984. Americans’ mentions of the economy did surge in August 1984 to 65% — comparable to where they are today — but fell to 51% by September.” (Lydia Saad, “National Mood a Drag on Obama’s Re-Election Prospects,” Gallup, 5/16/2012)

CBS/NYT: 67% RATE CONDITION OF ECONOMY AS “VERY” OR “FAIRLY” BAD: (“The Presidential Election, Same-Sex Marriage, and the Economy,” The New York Times/CBS Poll,  5/14/2012)

MORE: 63% THINK ECONOMY IS “GETTING WORSE” OR “STAYING THE SAME”: (“The Presidential Election, Same-Sex Marriage, and the Economy,” The New York Times/CBS Poll,  5/14/2012) 

62% NAME “THE ECONOMY AND JOBS” AS THE TOP ISSUE IN 2012: (“The Presidential Election, Same-Sex Marriage, and the Economy,” The New York Times/CBS Poll,  5/14/2012)