New NRCC Targeted Calls: On Third Anniversary of the Failed Stimulus, Dems are Ready to Put America Deeper in Debt
In Memory of the First Disastrous Stimulus Package, Garamendi Remains Unwilling to Break with Party’s Wasteful Spending Spree
Washington — On the third anniversary of the Democrats’ nearly trillion dollar stimulus, the National Republican Congressional Committee announced today a series of targeted phone calls to Californians highlighting John Garamendi’s record of failed spending policies and the danger of their continued destruction. California taxpayers had to foot the bill for Garamendi’s party’s first stimulus package and refuse to support his harmful spending addiction as they suffer still from a stale economy and volatile market.
“California families are terrified as they have watched John Garamendi champion a spending package that has endangered America’s ability to recover,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “Far from inspiring the security needed to spark an environment for growth, John Garamendi pushed for one wasteful trillion dollar stimulus plan and there is every indication that he is intent on spending more taxpayer money to further cripple our nation’s economic recovery.”
The script is as follows: