New NRCC Targeted Calls: Tell Dems and Their Medicare-Gutting Board of Unelected Bureaucrats: ‘Enough Is Enough’

March 23, 2012

New NRCC Targeted Calls: Tell Tim Walz And His Medicare-Gutting Board of Unelected Bureaucrats: ‘Enough Is Enough’
Walz’s Unwavering Support Of ObamaCare Could Result In Denied Access And Higher Healthcare Costs

Washington — Today, a series of targeted phone calls announced by the National Republican Congressional Committee will urge Minnesota constituents to voice their reproach for Tim Walz’s vote to support President Obama’s big-government healthcare overhaul. Walz’s healthcare takeover plan will drive the national debt even higher while jeopardizing the quality of and access to care.

“President Obama and Tim Walz have left Minnesota families in the dark about the dangerous implications of their government takeover of healthcare and it’s weight on the economy,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “While in office, Tim Walz has been cruel to his fellow Minnesotans as they have continuously suffered from his failed economic policies only to find that now he is supporting a healthcare plan that could result in higher healthcare prices and degraded quality.”

The script for the phone calls are as follows:

Hello, I’m calling from the National Republican Congressional Committee with an important alert about your Congressman Tim Walz. Walz voted for the government takeover of healthcare which cuts $500 billion from Medicare and is going to cost taxpayers nearly double what Washington politicians claimed. Walz’s plan even empowers unelected bureaucrats to make decisions that could deny access and raise the cost of care. Call Tim Walz at 202-225-2472 and tell him enough is enough and to keep his hands off our healthcare. Paid for by the National Republican Congressional Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 202.479.7000.
