#IWANTREPEAL: Report: ObamaCare A Bad Prescription For America’s Smallest Businesses

June 18, 2012

Report: ObamaCare A Bad Prescription For America’s Smallest Businesses
Survey Shows Over 65% Of Self-Employed Are Unlikely To Provide Health Care Coverage Under ObamaCare
Nancy Pelosi Promised ObamaCare Would Be “Liberation” For The Self-Employed:
“…this is the liberation. This is what our founders had in mind, ever expanding opportunity for people. If you want to be a photographer, or a writer, or a musician, whatever, an artist, if you want to be self employed, if you want to start a business, if you want to change jobs, you no longer are prohibited from doing that because you can’t have access to health care, especially because you do not want to put your family at risk.” (Remarks from Pelosi, “Transcript of Pelosi, Hoyer, Clyburn Press Conference Highlighting Benefits of the Affordable Care Act,”Office of the Democratic Leader, 3/23/12)

Yet A New Survey Indicates That Under ObamaCare’s New Regulations, The Nation’s Smallest Businesses Still Can’t Afford To Provide Healthcare Coverage:
“…the self-employed will be required to purchase both more expansive and more expensive coverage. Even if the health care reform law does indeed lower coverage costs, over 65 percent of self-employed and micro-business owners are unlikely or unsure if they will be able to provide and pay for a portion of health coverage for their employees in the future.” (Kristie Arslan, “Skyrocketing Health Care Costs Hurt Businesses, Families and the Bottom Line,” Huffington Post, 06/13/12)
