#StopTheTaxHike: New NRCC Web Ad: Stop House Dems Before Their Tax Hikes Stop Small Biz Owners from Creating Jobs

August 2, 2012

FYI, a similar version of this release below went out to the following districts: Bruce Braley (IA-01), John Garamendi (CA-03), Mike Michaud (ME-02), Nick Rahall (WV-03), Betty Sutton (OH-16)

New NRCC Web Ad: Stop Braley Before His Tax Hikes Stop Small Business Owners from Creating Jobs
Iowa Job Creators Have to Balance Their Budget, But Braley Wants More of Their Hard-Earned Money To Pay for His Failed Programs

Washington — There is a big difference between Iowa small businesses and Bruce Braley: they balance their budgets while he takes more of their hard-earned money. The National Republican Congressional Committee launches online ads today highlighting Bruce Braley’s job-destroying political agenda that is bankrupting our country and preparing to raise taxes on the job creators who have already been hit hard by Democrat policies. Just this week, Braley voted to increase taxes on families and small businesses, keeping the economy from getting back on track.

“Iowa voters sent Braley to Washington to support a pro-growth agenda and defend them from hyper-regulatory policies,” said NRCC Communications Director Paul Lindsay. “However, he continues to spend his time in Washington funding his big-government initiatives by strapping small businesses with new tax hikes and mountains of red tape. Braley must be stopped, and so must the job-killing tax hikes his party is prepared to inflict on job creators.”

An image of the ads can be found here:

The script of the ad can be found here:

ANNOUNCER: They work nights and weekends;

They make budgets;

They don’t spend money they don’t have;

These are America’s small business owners.

This is Congressman Bruce Braley.

He and President Obama spent billions of taxpayer dollars on failed programs and special favors for their friends.

They refused to even pass a budget.

They endanger our future with mountains of budget.

Now Braley and Obama want to raise taxes on Iowa’s small businesses in order to pay for more of their failed programs.

Braley’s tax hikes will stop job creators from creating jobs.

It’s about time we stopped Braley.

Call Congressman Bruce Braley – tell him to stop the tax hikes on small business owners.”
