Eleanor Holmes Norton Seeks Campaign Cash in Questionable Voicemail
“2. More serious, however, is her frequent mention of her seniority and her Chairmanship of a subcommittee. She is attempting to solicit funds based on her past actions taken in her official capacity in Congress. She is implying to the lobbyist that, should he decline to donate, he will be turning down a senior member of Congress who Chairs a subcommittee highly relevant to his ‘sector’.
“3. Worse than that, she details her role overseeing a large economic development project in the District, funded by ‘stimulus’ funds. It would appear that either the lobbyist has an interest in this project, or the Congresswoman thinks he does, as she states she is “‘frankly surprised’ the lobbyist hasn’t given to her. Especially, she notes, because of her
“long and deep work …in fact it has been by major work on the committee and subcommittee it’s been essentially in your sector”
Read and hear more: (“Shock Audio: Facing ‘Obligations’ From Leadership, Democrat Congresswoman Leaves Voicemail for Lobbyist Cash,” BigGovernment.com, 09/15/2010)