Who Will Dems Blame Now?
If you’ve been watching the news for the past few years, you’ll know that Democrats have jumped at the chance to “blame Bush” in order to cover for their own policy failures. In fact, President Obama and Speaker Nancy Pelosi have said countless times that they’re trying to “recover” from the Bush years.
New data shows that their favorite strategy doesn’t work anymore: President Obama is now less popular than President Bush in the districts that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has ranked as most vulnerable. Hotline’s On Call writes:
The advice from Democratic consultants and strategists is almost unanimous: Run away from the president, and fast. A prominent Democratic pollster is circulating a survey that shows George W. Bush is 6 points more popular than President Obama in “Frontline” districts — seats held by Democrats that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sees as most vulnerable to Republican takeover. That Bush is more popular than Obama in Democratic-held seats is cause for outright fear.
Now, the most endangered Dems aren’t going to be able to blame their failures on an out-of-office president any more. It looks to us like they’ll actually have to stand up for their own records and the Democrat party’s actions and failures – a strategy Pelosi and her puppets in Congress aren’t ready to accept.
But some Democrats have seen the writing on the wall. Just look at incumbent Joe Donnelly, a Democrat from Indiana, who is trying to distance himself from Obama and his party despite voting with Democrats over 88% of the time. Looks like some endangered Dems will do anything to separate themselves from the President and Speaker – except vote against them or stop taking their campaign contributions.
You can help us call the Democrat’s to task – and see how they do this November when citing Bush’s presidency isn’t an option – through our Call-to-Arms efforts or making a contribution.