Seven Days Left…

October 26, 2010

Dear Supporter,

Let me get straight to the point. Less than 7 days remain until the most important Election in a generation and Republican U.S. House candidates across the country need the support of the NRCC more than ever.

You can do your part to ensure they get the help they need TODAY by sending another generous contribution of $25, $50 or $100.

After months of campaign ads, debates and phone calls, voters from my home state of Minnesota and around the country will finally head to the polls to render a verdict on the Obama/Pelosi agenda.

Will they decide to stay the course down the path of more spending, higher taxes and an over-reaching government?

Or will they join with you and me to reassert the bedrock principles of individual liberty and personal responsibility once common to the American spirit?

I truly believe the answer will heavily depend on the actions you and I take in the next 7 days. 

That’s why I once again urge you to help Chairman Sessions with a generous contribution of $25, $50 or $100 right away.

Over the past several months I have traveled across this great nation of ours and met with many of the U.S. House candidates representing our Party.

They are ordinary men, women, parents and small business owners with an extraordinary passion to revive our strength around the world, cut taxes for ALL Americans (not just the ones cherry-picked by President Obama) and restore fiscal sanity to a country drowning in debt.

But unlike their Democrat opponents, they can’t rely on union and special interest money to win.

They need our immediate help to keep TV ads on the air, get last minute campaign pieces into mailboxes and fund critical get-out-the-vote operations that are so the difference between victory and defeat.

Please don’t let them down. Please make another supporting contribution of $25, $50 or $100 to the NRCC TODAY.

Thank you,

Tim Pawlenty
Minnesota Governor


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