Pelosi Faces Probe Over Potential Massa Cover-Up

March 12, 2010

House Republicans are pushing hard for an investigation into Speaker , Nancy Pelosi’s handling of accusations that ex-Rep. , Eric Massa sexually harassed a male staffer, putting Democrats in a politically dangerous position.
The House voted 402-1 to refer to the ethics committee a demand put forward by GOP leaders that the panel ask Democratic leaders about how they responded to sexual harassment allegations against Massa.
The move came a day after the ethics panel quietly dropped its probe into Massa, a freshman New York , Democrat. Massa resigned Monday amid allegations he groped male staffers in his office. In interviews, Massa said aides had misinterpreted tickling and other horseplay. The ethics panel closed the case because it has no jurisdiction over former members, but the GOP wants the 10-member, bipartisan committee to start a new investigation into the Democratic leadership’s handling of the matter.
Pelosi’s staff has acknowledged receiving complaints about Massa’s behavior as early as October 2009. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., forced Massa to refer the complaint to the ethics committee when he heard about it in February.

Read more: (Susan Ferrechio, “Pelosi Faces Probe Over Potential Massa Cover-Up,” The Washington Examiner, 03/12/10)