March 15, 2010

From “New York and a handful of other states have ‘fusion’ rules that allow candidates to run on multiple ballot lines, giving minor parties like the Working Families a great deal of political leverage. For wavering Upstate New York moderates like Reps. Michael Arcuri, Scott Murphy, and Bill Owens, the line could mean the margin between victory and defeat.  The first target, however, seems to be Rep. Michael McMahon, a New York City Democrat who has indicated he opposes the bill.  ‘There’s a lot of voters in Staten Island and Brooklyn who [will] realize that [McMahon] just chose to be on the side of the insurance companies and start seeing their wages go to pay for their health care,” said Service Employees International Union President Andrew Stern, a close ally of President Barack Obama and a prime mover in the attempt to ensure the votes of moderate and conservative Democrats.  ‘It’s a very volatile time, and no one should believe that third party candidates don’t have a chance.’” By Code Red