Rangel’s New Job: Whipping Healthcare Votes

March 18, 2010

Charlie Rangel was back in the game Wednesday, wheeling and dealing on health care as he tries to rebound from his fall as Ways and Means chairman.

“You bet your life,” Rangel said when asked if he’s helping House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) round up wavering Dems behind the health reform legislation.

But Rangel said he sensed momentum building behind the bill, and “there won’t be many I have to whip.”

Rangel appeared to have recovered some of his old exuberance after he was forced to step down as committee chairman earlier this month in a continuing House Ethics Committee investigation of his taxes, foreign trips and rent-controlled apartments.

Read more: (Richard Sisk, “Embattled Rep. Charles Rangel works his way back working on wavering Democrats,” New York Daily News, 03/18/2010)