Project Code Red Launches New TV Ad Against Dennis Cardoza

March 18, 2010

Project Code Red Launches New TV Ad Against Dennis Cardoza

Facing Critical Vote On Gov’t Healthcare Takeover, Cardoza’s Political Career is on Life Support


Washington- As part of its latest Project Code Red offensive, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) today is launching a 30-second TV ad reminding California families about Dennis Cardoza’s vote for President Obama’s trillion dollar government takeover of healthcare. Given Cardoza’s record of rubber-stamping Nancy Pelosi’s reckless agenda 97 percent of time, and the fact that 53 percent of Americans oppose this health plan, the Democrat’s political career is now on life support. The ad, which is titled “Heartbeat,” encourages Californians to sign an online petition against the latest attempt to ram a healthcare bill through Congress by texting “Cardoza Code Red” to 777218.



To view the video, click


“After campaigning on bipartisanship, Dennis Cardoza’s support for his party’s agenda of government takeovers and fewer jobs has put his political career on life support,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Democrats are wasting no time in plotting their efforts to ram a partisan healthcare bill through Congress, and they’re looking at Cardoza to help scrape together another razor-thin majority. Dennis Cardoza has a choice – will he finally stand up for Central Valley families and vote against the Democrats’ reckless healthcare takeover or will he cave to his radical Washington party bosses again and allow his political career to perish?”

Cardoza already backed Obama’s healthcare takeover last November and now the President is counting on his vote again. Dennis Cardoza’s political career is in critical condition and the Central Valley is suffering. If he casts one more vote in support of Obama’s government healthcare takeover and against the best interests of Central Valley families, he might as well be pulling the plug on his own political career. 

Dennis Cardoza (D-CA), still undecided on #hc takeover, targeted with Code Red TV ad #gopcodered
