Would Target Dems Vote for Nancy Pelosi Again?

August 26, 2009

FYI a version of this release went out to the following districts: Jason Altmire (PA-04); Michael Arcuri (NY-24); John Barrow (GA-12); Marion Berry (AR-01); Tim Bishop (NY-01); John Boccieri (OH-16); Rick Boucher (VA-09); Allen Boyd (FL-02); Bobby Bright (AL-02); Dennis Cardoza (CA-18); Travis Childers (MS-01); Gerry Connolly (VA-11); Jim Cooper (TN-05); Jim Costa (CA-20); Lincoln Davis (TN-04); Joe Donnelly (IN-02); Steve Driehaus (OH-01); Chet Edwards (TX-17); Brad Ellsworth (IN-08); Bart Gordon (TN-06); Martin Heinrich (NM-01); Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin (SD-AL); Steve Kagen (WI-08); Larry Kissell (NC-08); Ron Klein (FL-22); Suzanne Kosmas (FL-24); Frank Kratovil (MD-01); Jim Marshall (GA-08); Eric Massa (NY-29); Charlie Melancon (LA-03); Walt Minnick (ID-01); Alan Mollohan (WV-01); Dennis Moore (KS-03); Glenn Nye (VA-02); Tom Perriello (VA-05); Earl Pomeroy (ND-AL); Nick Rahall (WV-03); Ciro Rodriguez (TX-23); Mike Ross (AR-04); Heath Shuler (NC-11); Ike Skelton (MO-04); Vic Snyder (AR-02); Zack Space (OH-18); John Tanner (TN-08); Gene Taylor (MS-04); Harry Teague (NM-02); Dina Titus (NV-03); Tim Walz (MN-01); and John Yarmuth (KY-03).

Would Bobby Bright Vote for Nancy Pelosi Again?
Dem Colleague Calls Pelosi ‘Divisive,’ ‘Polarizing,’ No Longer Backs Her for Speaker

Washington- As the long summer drags on for Democrats determined to force a government healthcare takeover through Congress, public support for Nancy Pelosi and her reckless agenda has unsurprisingly plummeted. But now, it appears that the Democrats’ ring leader is losing support from inside the circus as well. Earlier this week, Blue Dog Democrat Parker Griffith told a town hall meeting that he had lost faith in the radical San Francisco Speaker he voted to install earlier this year. Now that the revolt has started within the Democrat caucus, will Bobby Bright join his colleague or will he continue to back his party boss?

According to the Huntsville Times:

“Christie Carden, the 25-year-old organizer of the Huntsville Tea Party Movement, asked if he would vote for Pelosi for speaker again. Griffith said that if matter came up for a vote today, ‘I would not vote for her. Someone that divisive and that polarizing cannot bring us together.’” (Patricia McCarter, “Applause, Boos Greet Lawmaker,” Huntsville Times, 8/25/09)

“Given Bobby Bright’s silence on the matter and continued support for Speaker Pelosi’s radical anti-jobs agenda, we can only assume that his loyalties lie with his party bosses rather than the people of Alabama,” said NRCC Spokesman Ken Spain. “Bright sent a loud and clear signal that he stands behind Nancy Pelosi when he cast his first vote of the year for the San Francisco Speaker. If Bright agrees with Congressman Griffith, he should speak up before he and his party bosses tax and spend the country into oblivion.”

Support has steadily dropped this summer for the irresponsible agenda being pushed by Speaker Pelosi and her loyal followers. According to recent polls, the bottom is falling out of public support for her policies:

“A USA TODAY/Gallup Poll found 57% of adults say the stimulus package is having no impact on the economy or making it worse. Even more —60% — doubt that the stimulus plan will help the economy in the years ahead, and only 18% say it has done anything to help improve their personal situation.” (Brad Heath, “Poll: 57% Don’t See Stimulus Working,” USA Today, 8/17/09)

 “American voters, by a 55 – 35 percent margin, are more worried that Congress will spend too much money and add to the deficit than it will not act to overhaul the health care system, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.
“By a similar 57 – 37 percent margin, voters say health care reform should be dropped if it adds ‘significantly’ to the deficit.  (“Scrap Health Care Reform If It Adds To Deficit, U.S. Voters Tell Quinnipiac University National Poll,” Quinnipiac University, 08/05/09) 

With almost two weeks left in the August recess, Bobby Bright has plenty of time to tell the folks back home whether he continues to support Nancy Pelosi. Will he join his colleague in criticizing her failed leadership or will he continue to support the big-government, anti-jobs agenda that Democrats continue to force through?